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Just checking in.

Re: Just checking in.

I can only imagine the awful barriers and difficulties you may have had @Mazarita. Huge hugs for your experience for which I think I can understand a little better now.

I had not really ever looked into this world of 'stuff' and I'm really pretty shocked at how far there stil is to go. I've found it really hard to find and access 'non-directive options counselling' as organisations that provide it don't advertise it for, as one provider told me, political reasons. Shaking my head at it all 😔 Even this hurdle I face with the missing something on the ultrasound is something that in other countries isn't even a consideration. I've also had suggestions as to what to say depending on different places/people so I can avoid incredibly unhelpful views being shoved on me. But like you found, the people working within the system to provide services, have so far been nothing but compassionate and understanding and for that I am incredibly thankful.

Thank you for listening and for getting it.

How's your day looking today?

Re: Just checking in.

It will be another indoors day for me today, @CheerBear. Need to sort out some basic things like washing clothes, showering myself, following up for mum, talking to her again, other stuff I'm not remembering just now. Not a busy day really, but things to be attended to. Will probably catch up more on sleep and sort out my movements and plan for tomorrow. That will all be enough.

How's today looking for you?

Re: Just checking in.

Sounds like a nice balance of slow enough while chipping away at things @Mazarita. Those days can be great days 🙂


I have the ultrasound this morning after I take the kids to school, then an appointment with my MH worker straight after it. Hoping the u/s doesn't run late as the two appointments are too close in time for me to be comfortable with. Nothing planned after it as I'm not sure how I'll be feeling. If I'm OK I'd like to start getting some December stuff ready for the little crew. It's tree weekend this weekend 🎄(and maybe gingerbread houses and sparkly magic of lots of kinds 😉🎅).


I'm going to start today by heading to the shower. Hope your day is one with good feels. So much enjoy our catch ups. Understanding you might not be around tomorrow morning so I may not catch you before your big day. I really hope it goes well and that you enjoy it. Am looking forward to hearing about it 😊


Before I head out for a while I also wanted to say

Big giant hugs for you @Teej. Sorry to hear you've been feeling so :pile_of_poo: for so long. To not be getting much from meds or your food would make things so tricky 😑 I hope your GP can help with something today. Often thinking of you, and seeing and noticing you around appreciating your presence in whatever way you are 💙
Really sorry to hear about Mr Buddha and the NDIS @PeppiPatty. It can be a nightmare to navigate the system and for many it is very difficult. I had a bit of a fight, nowhere near what @eth had (👋 to you eth), but found it very stressful and frustrating. I've only just had my plan approved so am yet to see any benefit from the whole process, though I have no doubt that it will have been worth it in the end. I really hope you and Mr Buddha find that also. I thought I'd link you to this thread here. It is one eth started and there is so much helpful info in it if youd like to have a read through. Good luck with it all.
Hi also to you @Appleblossom. It's really nice to see you around. I feel like I keep bumping in to you but not really having the right moment to say hi. I read you'd decided to hold off on your NDIS application. Sounds like a very reasonable idea, especially considering it is fairly new to your area from what I understand. Hopefully more of the teething issues are sorted by the time you come to it and the process is smooth for you.
Better run. ❤ to all.

Re: Just checking in.

Thanks, @CheerBear. Sending the best vibes for your day. Heart

Re: Just checking in.

h @PeppiPatty its great to see you!
im sorry about the things happening with NDIS though, im not all that familiar with ndis but i know others are so i hope they can give you some tips.
Hugs Heart

Re: Just checking in.

thinking of you both @Mazarita @CheerBear

CB- thinking of you today and the toughness of whats happening. i hope your support worker can give you the best possible support.
that is so cool about the little bird landing on you. I think you and LF would love to go to the butterfly enclosure thats up in sydney. They land and fly around you while your walking around their enclosure.

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @PeppiPatty  I just saw @Mazarita and @CheerBear  had tagged me here in relation to NDIS matters.  Very sorry to hear your husband got knocked back.  Proving permanence was hard for me too - my psychologist ended up doing a 3rd report that said 'treatment could ameliorate my symptoms but would not be a cure'  and my psychiatrist said 'there is no cure for bipolar'.  I have a thread called "Anyone started with the NDIS?"  which journals my journey from first application to acceptance eventually (took 1 1/2 years).  There might be good pointers in it for you and hubby to pursue.  Your next step would be to do a request for a 'Review of a reviewable decision' - there is a process for that which you can search for on the NDIS website.  I encourage you not to give up, it's so worth the effort if you can ultimately be accepted.  You might also be eligible for a Disability Advocate (they're in every state and free - google them too).  They would help you appeal the NDIS decision.  

Sending wishes for strength and perseverance xx

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @outlander

Im just about to race off to work but thought I'de say gooday to you all 

Thank you thank you for your support......Ill check out the NDIS soon involving @eth



EAting chocolate for breakfast.......

3AC651A0-EB67-4405-9457-32ADED5191C6.jpegPhoto on 10-7-18 at 1.37 pm #3.png

Re: Just checking in.

hmm i have a bad habit of having chocolate for breakfast too @PeppiPatty
I love your painting too.
Hoping todays a good for you Heart

Re: Just checking in.

Hey @Teej. Wondering how you went at the dr today (if you've been yet and are up to sharing)? Hoping today is a bit of a better one/one with some good in it 💗

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