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Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  it is still really intense and i am really struggling and like today i was sitting near my window and some random people outside started talking about eating disorders and it was super triggering and it was horrible. i just dont know what to do anymore i am so tired and hungry all the time but i just cant stop. 

Re: TW eating disorder

Oh gosh @Eden1919 what are the chances! That really sucks hun. What are you doing with yourself this afternoon, have things improved much at all? 

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  Nope things have not improved at all I am still struggling a lot. I plan to watch some tv shows  later today and hopefully listen to some music. 

Re: TW eating disorder

@Eden1919 nice one, sometimes having a world to escape into is exactly what we need. I am always absorbed in some tv show or video game world or other. 


What show(s) are you watching at the moment? 


If you got some music on, maybe you could have a little dance along the way too! Good for mind, body, and soul 😊

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  Sorry it took a while to reply I posted something on the social spaces forum and literally no one replied and it made me feel like no one cares and I suppose no one does so I just have to get used to that I sometimes forget how unimportant I am to most people. Anyway the last couple of day I have been watching MAFS. 

Re: TW eating disorder

Oh hun, I'm sorry that you got no responses @Eden1919 - and for such an important topic too! I found the thread, I'll pop a little reply in there soon, try to keep the thread alive! 


I think sometimes things just get lost in how busy the forums can be (and I know that the forums can also be tricky to navigate at times, we do really need a dedicated LGBTQAI space in my opinion), but that is not a reflection of your worth, not at all! 


I've never heard of MAFS - I had to look it up. Seems like a show full of drama and wild behaviours haha! What's your favourite thing about it? 

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  Idk why I like watching mafs I guess cause it is easy to watch and doesn’t require a lot of attention but also some of the drama is interesting it is trashy but sometimes that is good. 

i am still struggling with my eating stuff idk what to do anymore honestly I am so tired. 

Re: TW eating disorder

Wish I had a solution for you hun, but all I got is to try to go easy on yourself! I know that EDs often come with a lot of internalised shame and self-loathing, but always remember that at our core, our systems are just doing what they can to help us survive - even if their methods aren't helpful @Eden1919 


Haha my friends who like trashy tv often say that it's nice to be able to get some perspective sometimes; i.e. at least they're able to think critically and don't end up in petty dramas! 


Hope you're able to do something nice for yourself this arvo 💜

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  thanks




I am still struggling with my eating and i am so exhausted and fed up with everything idk what to do anymore i really dont everything is just a mess i just want to cry all the time. 

Re: TW eating disorder

I wish I had some magic words that would make it all better @Eden1919 - my heart really goes out to you hun. 


I know for myself, sometimes it helps to chat about other stuff, distract from the heaviness and connect to one another about the other parts of our lives. It helps me feel more human, and less like I am defined by my struggles. You wanna do that?