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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 


I'm not sure if you'll see this but I think I can relate somewhat to your experience. I am also going through a rough period at the moment, and sometimes I question if it'll all be worth it or not. But I'm trying my best to hold on, and I hope you will be able to as well. I believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel even if we can't see it yet.


- HopeDream

Re: I can’t cope

I can take a pic of the cards but they are are in the kids rooms @tyme will get a pic tomorrow or over the weekend

Yeah… that’s we play adult and child, or adult + adult and child, kids would fight and 3yo is way too young to get it

Re: I can’t cope

@tyme I can relate though
sometimes our oldest kid loathes our middle kid, just for no reason
We’ll be in the car and he will be doing nothing wrong and the big kid will go “why do you always talk to me!!”
Or “i was the only kid until you were here!!!”
savage as….

Re: I can’t cope

Oh! That makes more sense @ArraDreaming  if adults are involved. It's good bonding time. BIL is pretty deaf - seriously. He's got an issue with his ears. Something to do with the fluid in his ear and thus he actually cannot hear. It's often a screaming match because he is deaf. He has been waiting to see the ENT for a long time now, but still hasn't got an appointment.


At first, we thought it was general hearing loss from loud music in his ears, but after tests, it more than that. It's a structural thing.


It's a pretty cool game though.

Re: I can’t cope

Hey that sounds like me!! @tyme
Between my eyes and ears…. that area of my head is only working about 30%
oh yeah don’t forget my brain weird stuff going on up there too

Re: I can’t cope

Yeah we made it up ourselves @tyme

Re: I can’t cope

So are you actually going to walk her @tyme ?


Im glad walking is helping. Maybe a sleep on the floor? If you can get down. I hope you get it back into alignment soon. Bad backs are horrible.


Mine is really bringing me down. I just pulled the tape of that the physio put on and now it’s even more sore. Lots of OTC pain relief and I mean lots! 

If it’s any help, my CM said that a lot of people are having trouble with sleep right now. It’s something to do with the weather. That’s why she is making sure that I’m taking stuff to help me sleep and making sure that I am doing my sleep routine. But I am still struggling getting to sleep, the new med is a bit better though. As with you, not enough sleep is dangerous.


Re: I can’t cope

I’m sleeping on the floor atm too except I have a bad back so this might make it worst lol

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @HopeDream 


Nice to meet you. I’m sorry you are struggling at the moment. 

I have faith in you that you will get through. It’s not an easy road but the light is there. 


Re: I can’t cope

I know walking will help me @Captain24 . I just need to do it. I want the full sunshine shining on me when I'm walking, and it's been so cold, so i'm at home instead....


I really need to prioritise it for my back's sake. 


Is your back pain from the bulging discs again? I hate having back pain... it's crippling. I was sitting on a chair today and I felt this pinch shoot up my spine. It was so intense.... 


So yes, once Ruby Rose can go for walks, I'll ask the kids to take her and I'll take the kids lol.

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