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Re: I can’t cope

Hi Captain24 


how are you doing today?


how are your fur babies? This is my little Lacy? First one is of how she sleeps right next to me every night, or on top of me! 

I hear one of yours is a bit of a not so nice?? I had one like that one many years ago. Why is she/he what does she/he do?


I had a little one 15 years ago before my daughter was born. They told my I wasn’t allowed to have children as it was life threatening so I got my little one. Then when I was about to hv my planned c section 3 weeks before she got sick. Cancer. I was beyond devastated. I was getting one child but felt like I was losing another. I had to have him put down he was in to much pain. It took them over two hours to take me away from him. 

im still tearing up typing.. he’s in a urn in my bedroom. I got  a tattoo of him. He was such an amazing little soul. I swear Lacy is a little like him . It took 9 years before I could get another one.


they really are like our children. 

I hope you are doing ok today 





Re: I can’t cope

I’ll have a look once the pictures come up @sosad-666

Both are good, I have just given them a treat to chew on so they are very quiet! Plus there is no fighting as Jett is still locked in his pen. 

Jett is the arsehole. He has an overinflated sense of self. He most certainly doesn’t have an ego problem. He is supposed to be doing exercises for his rehab but he bites us every time.


They really are like children. Mine are my only kids. I’m really sorry you lost yours. That’s the hardest part of having them. I did read that losing a pet can be much harder than losing a loved one. I do believe that. 

My last dog is in a wooden box in my room! 

It is hard to get another. The pain and the guilt! I’m glad you did though and that you can see traits. I could see traits on honey in Pix and I can see traits of mums last dog in Jett. Jett was born on the same day that mums dog died. So we find that interesting. 

Sorry I’m on a ramble day today 

Re: I can’t cope

Black ice can be tricky @Captain24 I have hit it before.

I hope you don't come across any.

Re: I can’t cope

I just went and got my washing. @Snowie @Ru-bee. It’s mostly dry! The jeans aren’t anywhere near dry around the waistband. I have still hung them on the airers just to finish them off.


It has just started sleeting.


I use to live at the bottom of the blue mountains. We had a a fair bit of snow and black ice. It never got any easier to drive on. The bonus is that at least I do have experience! 

Hows your washing going @Snowie? Do you have a fire? 

Re: I can’t cope

Glad the washing is dry @Captain24 


Black ice can be so dangerous, especially if you are not used to it. I am glad you have experience with it.


I don't have a fire but have heating through the house. Got an indoor clothes line over a heating duct so that is helping things dry. Lots of thermals needing to dry!


Re: I can’t cope

So I’ve been to physio and I’m sitting at mums house waiting for my car to be finished being serviced. 

I am totally not coping. I feel sick. I’m shaking. I desperately don’t want to be in this house. I’m sitting in front of the fire and that’s where I was when dad dislocated my thumb. 

Just even spending this much time in such a confined space without my dogs is causing me so much anxiety and really bad chest pain. I have a cold clammy sweat happening too. 

I can’t be here. I can’t do it. I wish they would hurry up with my car. I need to get out. 


Re: I can’t cope

Are you still there at your parent's house @Captain24 ?


Do you find any grounding or breathing exercises work for you in times like this?


I'm here with you

Re: I can’t cope

I’m still here @Ru-bee. My distress levels are rising. It really hurts. 

I’ve been patting their dog. 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 here for ya hun, if you wanna chat 💜

Re: I can’t cope

I'm glad there's a dog there to pat @Captain24 


Do you know how much longer your car repairs might take?


I know you mentioned that you have a lego set to do, did you bring that with you?