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Asking someone for help

I am in a position where I need support but can't bring myself to ask anyone, especially having to ask out loud. Have made and cancelled doctors appointments and just push through. It's been years of ups and downs and don't know at what point a change needs to happen. 


Re: Asking someone for help

Hi @MLT90 


Welcome to the forum. I hope you find it a supportive place to share and connect.


Sounds like it's been a rough ride. Can I encourage you to ring in to the SANE contact centre on 1800 18 7263 between 10 am and 10 pm Eastern Time to talk through the things you mentioned.


Good on you for reaching out tonight.


All the best




Re: Asking someone for help

Hi @MLT90 welcome to the forum.


Hearing that you need support but are finding it hard to reach because speaking about your problems out loud is a fearful prospect for you. Sounds like writing here may be a new step for you towards receiving assistance with what you are going through. Good on you for braving it to reach out to us here.


I wonder if a Telehealth (phone or video chat) appointment with a doctor may help you in the real world with this as well. Because of the pandemic, Medicare rebates are now more available for appointments over the phone and a large number of people (including myself) are having many of their appointments this way now. Perhaps the next appointment you make, you could ask for it to be by phone.


Meanwhile, this forum is certainly a place open to you for sharing your struggles with us here, as you have done with this first post. Feel free to continue talking in more detail about what you are going through, and to join in to any discussion threads you find that may be of interest to you.


If you wish someone specific to see any of your written posts, tagging is the way we let others here know we are talking to them (we then get a notification). The way to do this is to type the @ symbol. A little menu will then appear for you to choose a fellow member. For example, if you tag me, it would look like @Mazarita.


Welcome again. Really hope you find it helpful to be here. Smiley Happy

Re: Asking someone for help

hi @MLT90 and welcome to the forums...


Feel free to unload here... we may not be able to give alot of advice... but we can listen.


but, never feel afraid to ask for help... it is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength.  

it takes alot to admit to needing help... and you have taken the first brave step of admitting and realising that you need help...

now you have the strength to take the step to acyually ask... you can do it... we have faith in you 

Re: Asking someone for help

Hi @MLT90 


You have reached out for help by saying you need help on here.

Do you have a good gp you can talk to?  Possibly ask for a mental health care plan if you feel its necessary? 

If you are not feeling safe there are some numbers to call I have seen on here such as Lifeline? 


I hope if you haven't already, get the help you feel you need.