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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi there, I hope you all had a good week. Mine went pretty well even if at the time, at the start of each day I wonder if I am going to make it. I am so looking forward to some warmer weather. Sometimes I can't work myself out , I love being around people but I have found that I need my days at home to regroup. Take care every one.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member,

It'll pass, and soon you crave healthy food, and it will feel yuk to eat bad food. Occassionaly, I find myself in a good healthy groove with food, but it can so easily be lost when I things get hectic.

Good luck with your diet! I hope you start to feel healthy and lively. BTW, how are you feeling? Noticed any changes yet?

I saw this quote a few years back, and it really changed my attitude to food:

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."

It's by Hippocrates - I think he was onto to something. Not that I'm saying we should do away with medicine, but I think food can be a good foundation for health.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @dhr53

Nice to see you here. Glad you could make it.

It sounds like you generate your energy from alone time. I can relate. Though I love spending time with people, I feel drained afterwards and need to find time to spend by myself, otherwise I start to feel antsy. I think it is just introversion. Most people associate introversion with shyness or awkwardness, but it is acutally where people find their energy. In comparison, people who are more extroverted tend to feel energised by other people.

Can anyone relate? Or does anyone have any thoughts about this?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

That is not good @dhr53, i hope things get better, it is not pleasent to have that feeling of a morning and to have to regroup of a night, it does make day to day tasks that little more difficult.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Appleblossom. Yes, I've been spending less time on the internet lately, trying to structure my days more with basic activities. It's going okay, thanks for asking. 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @CherryBomb, i have stoped eating anythign with sugar in it, even my coffee is sugar free, now i can't stand anything with sugar in it, it is funny how we can be used to something, then go off it for a while, then cant stand the tast.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

That's great @Jacques. I imagine it wasn't easy? Did it take long to get over sugar cravings?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i found it most hard with the coffee, i could not get used to the bitterness, but it only took about 3 weeks, i have tried putting sugar into coffee since but can't stand the tast now


yes my body did not take well to stopping sugar, i got some headaches and shaking but it passed fairly quickly.  i like things now sweet, but not too sweet, ie i can't eat milk chocolate, but i can eat dark chocolate.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hi @Maritza,

How are you? 🐺🐃🐔🐣🐭🐈🐩🐢🐑🐹🐕🐦🐓


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hi birthday girl, @dhr53

Im definately there. 

I must spend several days alone or I start shaking, can't focus. I cannot go out .......even for walk to tne beach......definately no answering phone calls ! I thought it was just my make up.....Introversion right ? Well, im basically an extrovert......