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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

My darling son is also nicknamed the food na zi and salad dressing was verboten for a couple decades. I soaked the apricots in cranberry juice so that should "sweeten" up the quinoa and pumpkin salad. I have been given permission "to experiment" and think that is allowed.Cat Indifferent He has great taste by the way.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good evening all, happy friday feast and it looks like it is going to be an extra special friday feast!!!!


@Appleblossom i am not going anywhere, i am sorry about your thread, i was just answering questions from others, i did not mean to take over, sorry, i have started a new thread.


wow i can't believe how many vegans are around, i love salads, i had a salad for lunch, but just can't seem to go without meat, sorry.


do you guys find you are lacking any essential vitamins and minerals being vegan? i have a god mother who is vegan and she is always sick, i don't know if their is a link.  i don't know much about it.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques you need to take B12 supplements and make sure you get some omega from flaxseed or chia seeds. I don't get physically sick. Only headaches from the medication. A vegan diet can cure many chronic physical illnesses - I wish it cured mental illnesses.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

My son and I are not vegan but his girlfriend is and we try to indulge her. We eat dairy, eggs and meat about 3 times per week.  i dont particularly want to change as I think it is a good balance .. I just have to watch the portion sizes, though.

It is becoming popular and is one of the signs of progress I dont mind.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh ok, i thought their might be extra fruits and vegitables that would offset the lack of meat, do you have to keep an eye on how much suppliments you take?


wow i didn't know it could help chronic illness, it makes sense, with al lthe chemicals in foods these days, it is good to get back to the basics.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jacques

I'm healthiest I've ever been! I've not had a flu in about 7 years, and the for the first time in about 4 years this year, I got a cold but I think it was more to do with being run down and feeling stressed.

I find being very conscious of dietry needs helps and having a holistic (good sleep routine, exercise, managing stress) reallly helps... I should mention that I grew up in a family that ate load of meat. It took me a few years to go completely go vegetarian and move towards vegan.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

yes that doessound like a good balance, yes it is good to see society move a little forward, it may not be bad if more people tried eating veggies instead of take away.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

How are you @Mazarita you have been quiet for a while.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

foooooood! lol I've started a diet. and dont feel like anything healthy lol!! i know it will pass when i get back on track with my eating but the first few weeks suck! So i'll enjoy a piece of @CherryBomb s cake tonight 😄 😄 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Haha that cake thing you did was a good one, happy birthday 🙂