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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

thank you @Shaz51 @Jupiter im so so sorry to hear that @MDT, gentle hugs, i hope your sister will be ok, my heart and thoughts go out to you, please look after yourself. im so thankful we have these forums


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I know right @Jacques

I'm pretty depressed tonight also.. must just be a mix of everything i think

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sorry to hear your news too @MDT. Hope you are taking good care of yourself as well.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast



I hope that you are drinking a nice cuppa of hot chocolate or tea.....thinking of you and your sister...

Love to all @Jacques @MDT @Shaz51 @Jupiter @Maggie @Former-Member @Appleblossom @Mazarita @Sans911 @lily7 @Nell  @Zoe7

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Right on @Jacques and to have each other is sooo  good 

We are in Japan tonight , what does everyone want to see 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

yes @MDT depression comes from being so mentally and physically exhausted, you need to care for you too, maybe a hot shower or soak in a nice hot bath to relax and pamper yourself.


i agree @Shaz51 how is Mr Shaz going this week? 


hi my dear friend @PeppiPatty hugs to you, hubby and Mr Arlo


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @PeppiPatty appreciate it 🙂
My folks have arrived at the hospital.
I need a shower. And a holiday.
How are we all this evening?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi  @Lilyq@Adge and @Smc @Jacques @MDT @Faith-and-Hope @Faith @Zoe7


I hope that you get that holiday soon......I quit University this week....I feel like my head is going empty and all weird and it's both wonderful and a little weird......coping with turning 50 and coming into realizations that I can't do things like I used to: My decision is to take better care of my mental health and also be a fulltime carer for my husband.....HeartHeart



How are you my old friend @Jacques

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hugs @MDT :heart

Mr shaz has had a very big week @Jacques, @PeppiPatty, @Mazarita

As my mum was in hospital and I was diagnosed with diabetes with my kidney disease @Jupiter

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sounds like you've had a rough week as well @Shaz51. Hope things start to look a bit better for you very soon!!!