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25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

all the best @CherryBomb Smiley Happy

I am off to bed as i am emotionally exhausted from this week with mr shaz being sooo low and work and having the flu

good night everyone , it is raining soo heavy up here tonight

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes I do have a fireplace outside and ducted gas heating inside @CherryBomb.
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Goodnight @Shaz51. It has been a big week for you and mr Shaz. I hope tomorrow is peaceful 💜🤗💐😴😴😴😴

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Aww that sounds beautiful @Kurra. We got a fireplace, but we're renting and not allowed to use it, so just ducted heating. It works, but I do love a fireplace. 

@Coffeelover I'm pretty sure we have just about every dessert you can think of. But I think my favourte dishes this evening is the champagne cake that @STORMGRL101 dropped off and @Shaz51 has some chocolate roses. Take you pick!

Nighty night Shazzy Shazz @Shaz51. Going to miss you! Don't forget to take care of you. You're always so busy caring for others, so I like to remind you to do nice things for yourself. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

thanks @Former-Member HeartHeart

you too my fiend xx

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Mazarita  was thinking of sending a hot looking firefighter your way but thought it might be a bit sexist

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Right at this moment, @Former-Member, I am hotter than a hot firefighter. I'm fogging up my own glasses!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Nighty night Shazzy Shazz @Shaz51. Going to miss you! ---- awwwwww you done it now @CherryBomb, tears , going to miss you too

Don't forget to take care of you. You're always so busy caring for others, so I like to remind you to do nice things for yourself. -- you know me , , i will i promise Heart

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Lol @Former-Member, @Mazarita

@Mazarita That's hot! 

I think HRT has helped hugely with that. 

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

And to think we thought global warming was due to a hole in the ozone layer @Mazarita @Former-Member