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25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

That's a cute chocolate turtle @Phoenix_Rising 🙂 Can we suspend them in a jelly ocean?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@TheVorticon wrote:
That's a cute chocolate turtle @Phoenix_Rising 🙂 Can we suspend them in a jelly ocean?

Ooooh definitely @TheVorticon!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Phoenix_Rising I called 000, and they dispatched an ambulance - they sent us a nutella cake ambulance. Apparently we all need to eat it, that includes @Mazarita!


nutella ambo.jpg



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Awwwww @TheVorticon, I just asked google to show me pictures of "turtle in jelly" and instead I got a whole lot of pictures come up of turtle jelly which apparently is a delicacy in China. Now I feel yuck. Nobody suddenly get a craving for turtle jelly ok!!!! There will be no eating of turtle jelly at Friday Feast ever. The turtle has spoken! Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb, @Phoenix_Rising, cake fight will ensue on any attempt to make me eat Nutella! Smiley LOL

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Haha @Phoenix_Rising - I just read your hugging sickness post. I hug everyone here. A lot. Except you because I think one of the first things I learnt here is that you like your space (and after turtle island I am kind of scared of you now too) and @Spookytookims who isn't a huggy person so I send her bears and hearts and stuff. Knowing my luck, once I recover from this shock I will fall back down with the bug that's travelling around the huggers. I'm off to find some of that vitamin C loaded orange chocolate @CherryBomb was talking about...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Excellent Phoenix_Rising 😉 This is the closest I've found online... Think she's going to need a bigger cup!


(No wait, this one's better!)


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Aww that's not good at all @Phoenix_Rising. Definitely not what I was thinking 😞

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb wrote:

@Phoenix_Rising I called 000, and they dispatched an ambulance - they sent us a nutella cake ambulance. Apparently we all need to eat it, that includes @Mazarita!


@CherryBomb ROFL Smiley LOLSmiley LOL

{Proceeds to feed cake to @CheerBear who is lying passed out on the floor in shock. Scene sort of looks like this...}. Smiley LOL

Elaine, Jerry, and Kramer demonstrate how to properly aid a fainted person. Seinfeld, "The Alternate Side", Episode #28, Season 3.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CheerBear wrote:
Haha @Phoenix_Rising - I just read your hugging sickness post. I hug everyone here. A lot. Except you because I think one of the first things I learnt here is that you like your space (and after turtle island I am kind of scared of you now too)

Giggle. Not much scary about this little turtle @CheerBear. Smiley Very Happy