28-03-2024 07:08 PM
28-03-2024 07:08 PM
Hey @ENKELI , if you make a new christians and MH thread, please tag me in.
We've had a few, but I think it's time for a new one
28-03-2024 07:29 PM
28-03-2024 07:29 PM
@TAB bent coat hangers, I like that.
I love religious judgmental people. My ex housemate and former best friend became holier than thou because she went to church every Sunday and her kids went to a Christian school (because I paid their tuition). I told her that going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car. I think that's when I suggested she try scientology. Went down a treat.
Never good to sugar coat, it only causes cavities.
My ex was a prison officer for many years, he told me of the tattoos the prisoners had and he said I kid you not, one of them really had "Only god Can Jug Me" across the back of his neck. God lower case was a giggle enough but the jug me part was a cracker. He asked the guy for a photo and he happily obliged. When ex showed me I darn near peed myself from laughter. Ex said the guy was so proud that ex wanted to take a photo to show me which made it all the more funny.
28-03-2024 07:30 PM
28-03-2024 07:30 PM
Thanks @tyme I most definitely will do 🤗
28-03-2024 07:38 PM
28-03-2024 07:39 PM
28-03-2024 08:15 PM
28-03-2024 08:15 PM
@TAB much better than my southern cross tramp stamp!!
28-03-2024 08:28 PM - edited 29-03-2024 04:48 AM
28-03-2024 08:28 PM - edited 29-03-2024 04:48 AM
omg @ENKELI cleanskin here . only thing father said that ever listened to . dont get a tattoo whatever you do he said.
29-03-2024 01:26 AM
29-03-2024 01:26 AM
Hi everyone.. Been trying to catch up on all I missed . . So many letters flashing past and all so good.
What caught my interest was an exchange about a religious thread.. @ENKELI @TAB @tyme
You probly already figured, I have never been in a church. Well ... except last week end. After
reading my pieces of work 'that I don't dare post here' to a pack of black lip sticked purple haired pale faced goths, I just let my senses take in the stained glass silence. A place of worship that made me look so small. In spite of the preacher looking at me like the Anti Christ, for a brief moment, my big bones
felt the tremor. . . and the pair were nicely married.
Practical bride too, I must add. She had a chain going from her ear lobe to her nose. I guess if one falls off, the other saves it.
I recalled in that place, a time way back when I found a huge book with old testament embossed on it in the dumpster that was home for the night. Damp and the pages all sticking together. It was raining hard so I took up a pew in the public dunny block and tried to read it with my very limited education. I had to carefully pry the pages apart with my pocketblade. . I had never ever read anything like it. It was way
beyond the comprehension of the child but I knew I was witnessing a thing of beauty, not of this
earth. Made my words look like chicken scratch.
Back to the present..
It was pointed out to me the collection plate was not a lucky dip, but I felt for a moment the warmth
of the other believers. That just put a warmth in me.. One day I will get my hands on that old book again
and try to figure its ancient poetry.
If you build a church in Sane .. @ENKELI I will come and sit next to you in that place. . be silent
and just listen..
@TAB @tyme @Oaktree @Glisten @Former-Member @Historylover @Tilz @Meowmy @Shaz51 @StuF @Emelia8 n Hanah @Tilz @Jynx @Doldip15 @Former-Member @PeppiPatty @saturnzoon @LoveandHope and so many
other good people.
There are a lot of different religions I'm told . I respect all those that believe in a path to do right
for others and give thanks for what life affords them. Pay homage to those who "gave it all up" for us. We all have to start somewhere.
I'll just
make my church in you lot for now and what a church that is . . .
Happy easter everyone... Come back safe now. tonys..
29-03-2024 07:02 AM
29-03-2024 07:02 AM
29-03-2024 08:02 AM
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