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Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51 @Emelia8 @Snowie @Eve7 Thanks for the well wishes and support 🥰


I have the rest of this week off and am grateful for that so I can completely rest my hand. Although my thumb and finger are in splints and I have been careful, I still have to use my hands at work and the slightest bump not only hurts but aggravates the wounds. So with 4 days now to completely rest my hand, it should begin to heal up better. On the plus side, I can catch up on some paperwork and planning bit by bit. No work around the house for a while though which is going to be frustrating but it is supposed to rain here for the next few days so I wouldn't be able to do much anyway. Lots of couch time and fur baby cuddles - which will be nice.


Sending love to you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Re: Far and Away

Wishing you a speedy recovery my sister ❤️ @Zoe7 

I am here on the forum and sitting on the couch with you 

All I need now is some furbabies 😊

Re: Far and Away

Glad to hear you are taking some time off work @Zoe7 to enable the healing process to kick start.

Enjoy the fur baby time. 


You can share my Hannah @Shaz51 she has plenty of cuddles to share around.



Re: Far and Away

Aww thank you @Emelia8 

Hannah is beautiful 😍 

Re: Far and Away

Hey @Zoe7 ,


How are you? I'm thinking of you.

Re: Far and Away

@Emelia8 , Hannah must have missed you so much!

Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51 @Emelia8 @tyme My thumb is still very sore but my forefinger is healing. I will be able to take the splint off my forefinger hopefully in a couple of days and just have the dressing on. I am going back to work on Monday which will be a challenge because being home has meant I can have pain relief that I won't take at work because it sometimes causes nausea for a bit. I am missing the kids but I will miss the fur baby snuggles 🐶🐱💕


Tobes really needs a haircut and bath but I can't do either without both hands - he is a worm when it comes to haircuts - he is okay having a bath but I kinda need both hands to dry him.

Re: Far and Away

Hugs @Zoe7 ,


I hope it gets easier for you. I still can't believe such an accident happened!


Please look after yourself. Do you drive to work? Will you still be able to drive?

Re: Far and Away

I can't either @tyme I have hooked up and unhooked my trailer hundreds of times in so many different environments and carrying large loads at times with no drama - just a freak accident that I am not sure how I could have avoided. Luckily, I had gloves on or it could have been so much worse.


I do drive to work but driving is okay. The movement does aggravate my thumb but it is only a short drive so manageable. I am more likely to aggravate it at work with all those little rascals but I do miss them so I am happy to go back and see how I go.


What have you been up to this week?

Re: Far and Away

This week, I've honestly just been pushing through. I'm waiting for the weekend so I can rest up. Then again, I have a little monkey sleeping in my bed tonight. @Zoe7 . I just can't say no.


I think seeing your kids is therapy in itself. lol.