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25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

Re: Christmas shindig

Hi                      thankyou for your messages and your advice and ideas

Not applicable

Re: Christmas shindig

Thank you @Mazarita for your kind words Smiley Very Happy You are a very kind person & I appreciate your input into my life Heart Namaste Heart

We brought a gerabra plant for my mother in law for Xmas. I wanted to get her an orchid, but Masters had sold out of them & we didn't feel like driving across town to Bunnings!!

Here is a gerebra for you --->


Re: Christmas shindig


Re: Christmas shindig

Merry day @Jacques and all! Cat Very Happy

Re: Christmas shindig

Gday everybody , hope everyones day is nice and smooth , merry Christmas.
Not applicable

Re: Christmas shindig

Merry Everything & Happy Always to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Hope you are enjoying the day or coping with it as best as you can.... 

10392032_10154111934744523_8895632347203636335_n.jpg Namaste & Heart,

Anna & kittens (Katniss, Primrose & Cacao)

Re: Christmas shindig

Happy Hanakuh

Have a happy wholesome Christmas

and a lovely summer solstice to all.