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Christmas presents for Forum members

Hi All,


As we quickly approach Christmas - I thought I'd start a thread so we can share virtual Christmas presents with eachother. While we can't physically give eachother presents, I thought we could share 'virtual' presents.

My present to each member of these forums is 'peace'



What 'gift' do you want to share with others?

ps: to insert a picture to your post, press on the little icon of the mountains at the top of the 'reply' text box and 'add image' - see below

Inserting pic.png

Don't worry if your picture doesn't show up straight away. A moderator has to approve it first 🙂


Re: Christmas presents for Forum members

@NikNik @Loopy @kristin @CherryBomb @Alessandra1992 @peace 

Merry Christmas to everyone on the forum. It's been a pleasure tomeet you and I hope I can meet you all in the future

As tiny Tim said

"God bless us, everyone" 



Re: Christmas presents for Forum members

Thanks @Rick!

@PeppiPatty @BatGuano @kenny66 @Chris @Harry @kato ... perhaps people can tag others that have not been tagged yet. 

I got us all a puppy for Xmas. Maybe it can be our own community dog? Smiley Very Happy  



Re: Christmas presents for Forum members

Jingle Bells Everyone....and adding @shanc @Ellie @pie @Neb @Aonaran.

Re: Christmas presents for Forum members

Thanks @peace

For some reason mentioning @Aonaran didn't work in your post, so I've done it for you. Smiley Happy

Re: Christmas presents for Forum members

Here is the cub from the tiger rescue centre in Thailand I helped sponsor. So I thought she symbolises how giving and selfless people can be in helping the unfortunate and vulnerable.

My Christmas gift is to remind those on the forum that they have those very same qualities, which I value so muchIMG_20141128_135447.jpg. By the way her name in Rhani, she is 4 months old.


Re: Christmas presents for Forum members

Beeeeeaaautiful @kenny66 HeartSmiley Very Happy

Re: Christmas presents for Forum members

I m meant to ask-how do you tag



Re: Christmas presents for Forum members

Are you on a comptuer, phone or tablet @kenny66?

- On a phone it's not possible.

- On a tablet just type in the '@' before typing in the member's name

- On a computer, type in the '@' symbal then proceed with typing the member's name. After you type in three letters you should notice a dropdown menu with members' names. Choose member you wish to tag.

Let me know if you have any problems.


Re: Christmas presents for Forum members

thanks @CherryBomb  I thinkI have it now