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Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

Re: Best Friends Club

Thanks @Shaz51 I’m finding things hard right now
I don’t often want to quit but I am struggling

Re: Best Friends Club

Still @Jynx

Re: Best Friends Club

Haha @Shaz51 I did find it, just many moons later and when I wasn't even looking for it 😂


Ohhh I love butterfly houses! I hope you can get in there soon! Yeah school hols making everything hectic 🙃

Re: Best Friends Club

Anything we can do to help @ArraDreaming? I'm sure @Shaz51 and I could whip up some random topics if a distracty-chat could help?

Re: Best Friends Club

Sure @Jynx

Re: Best Friends Club

@ArraDreaming Take a ya pick!


- Any plans for school hols?

- Seen any cool movies or shows lately?

- Ideal camping holiday, where would you go?

- If I was a breed of dog, what kind of dog you reckon I'd be?


@Shaz51 💜

Re: Best Friends Club

Somewhere with a beach view but still in the bush/rainforest etc
Need to be able to open the swag window and see the beach @Jynx
School holidays in meant to be taking little bug #1 on his first overnight hike, we are thinking of post poning just because between the baby who is not sleeping right now and injured toddler we need all hands on deck at home but I know that would break little mates heart so still deciding @Jynx

Re: Best Friends Club

Change of scenery might be what you all need @ArraDreaming 

I know Mr shaz gets cabin fever and need to go somewhere like today 


Re: Best Friends Club

@ArraDreaming oooh lush, like the Daintree? I have only been once, but when you're walking through thick rainforest for ages, all tangly undergrowth and twisting vines, and then woop 3 steps later you're on a beach looking at azure blue ocean - it's kinda wild! 


Oh true, woof that is a tough choice to make!! When were you supposed to be leaving?

Re: Best Friends Club

Yeah we would just go the 2 of us though @Shaz51 we are not up to taking the younger 2/ big family trip at this point @