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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

oh the infection ? @Meowmy  look after yourself 

Re: Tabaluga's





Sorry. Thanks for the compliment re communication skills. But I've never managed anyone in my life (including myself a lot of the time!)

Current work I sort through book donations for Lifeline. Prior to that I was a sh*tkicker at an art centre...and other stuff before that. But yeah, never managerial...actually, that's not true. I just recalled a time when I was employed to manage a mail room in a law firm...which ended badly with me having a mental breakdown!

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

.. well, you are very diplomatic @StuF  and positive towards others 


Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah @TAB  I suspect GWS will win...but man I'll love it if they don't! lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Cheers man @TAB 

I like to get on with people 🙂

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

I thought their bubble burst finally  @StuF  havent they won heaps b4 falling in a hole ?

no great hopes for Port. cant believe they are hanging on in 4th all this time though

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

bit the same @StuF  when not seeking validation, and its all about me and handing out put -downs, attention -seeking etc etc lolololo.............

Re: Tabaluga's


Giants did burst out...started with 5 wins I think. Fallen back since, but I think they've won a couple recently?

Port are hard to get a read on


I can relate to some of that...I'm always looking for a laugh

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

if you read the critics, Port have to play absolutely flat out to make up for lack of good players  then when people out of form/injured its broke , cant fix. 

/blame coach lol @StuF  def wont play in premiership let alone win it. 4 is about right, but will prob be 8th by end of minor round myeh

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, going for nap. Hope you're  okay


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