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25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

Re: How to manage my bad anxiety attacks

@Shaz51  Your lucky you have your own business. I want to start my own business too how did you start if you don’t mind me asking. If you can’t answer that. It’s ok. 


@Ali11 i haven’t looked into where I want to volunteer I’m working at the moment at Woolworths 3 days. I find that really hard to do. I feel like quitting my job. Also had a fall out with a co worker which makes my anxiety more worse. I wish we could be normal and have good conversation at work but it’s not happening. I told her I’m scared to come to work she said it’s not her problem. I tried to ask for store transferr the one near my home but they didn’t have any availabilities they said ask us again later. I hope I can transfer I’m getting really bad anxiety because of her.

Re: How to manage my bad anxiety attacks

Having issues with co-workers definitely adds to the workplace anxiety @Snoopy88, so we can see how it can affect you even more. Are you able to talk to a manager about what you are going through? 

Re: How to manage my bad anxiety attacks

we started with "word by mouth " @Snoopy88 and printing out ads to see if anyone wanted lawns mowed or house cleaned

That would put your anxiety levels up with your co-worker

keep on asking  for a store transferr

Re: How to manage my bad anxiety attacks

@Ali11  @Shaz51  I tired to speak to the supervisor about it she said she can’t do anything maybe if I speak to the store manager. But I’m scared to do that because when I told the girl I was scared of comming to work she said it’s not her problem and I shouldn’t try to get her in trouble as she said she works hard at her job. I’m really scared to go to work because my anxiety gets so bad I feel like quitting. 



Re: How to manage my bad anxiety attacks

Sorry to hear that @Snoopy88. Does your work have any kind of EAP (Employee Assistance Program) in place? How comfortable would you feel talking to the store manager, have you had many conversations with them in the past? 

Re: How to manage my bad anxiety attacks

@Ali11  yes I have used EPA in the past I don’t know if I can use them again I’ll call them and check. I’m not very comfortable to talk with my store manager. I’m really scared of the girl what if she gets really mad at me if I speak to the store manager. I’m really scared if she will be back in my department. I’m so anxious about it. I hope I can transferr in the future I feel like quitting my job but than I’m not confident to start new job. And I’m happy with the hours I get at this work place. I really do hope I can get a transferr. 

Re: How to manage my bad anxiety attacks

Hopefully, you can get that transfer @Snoopy88, it's not good to hear that you are scared about talking to your manager about the situation. What is your work schedule like this week?

Re: How to manage my bad anxiety attacks

@Ali11 @I’m working on Friday 9:30 to 2 sat 11 to 4 and Sunday 10 to 3. I spoke to my line manager that I’m uncomfortable to work there and wish to change stores. I even opened up to her about my mental health issues she was rude and said mental health is your choice you need to learn to deal with people where ever you go. I can’t believe she said mental health is my choice. I was told I should report her to HR. But I’m scared if that will make things worse for me at work. She’s so mean. I’m also really scared about this girl I had a fall out with that I told you earlier about. I hope she doesn’t come back to my department. I’m really scared of her and my line manager. 

Re: How to manage my bad anxiety attacks

5 hour shifts are a good length @Snoopy88, do you get a break during the shift? If you chose to not engage with this other person, are you able to work away from them? That dismissive response from the line manager is disappointing, sorry you've had that experience Smiley Sad Have you looked in to what HR can do, have they got an employee support plan?

Re: How to manage my bad anxiety attacks

@Ali11 5hours is good but it still feels long I get 15minutes break for working 5 hours. At the moment the co worker is not working in my department she use to be there so I’m worried if she comes back there. I hope I can get transferred before she comes back there. Yeah my line manager can be abit harsh at times. I don’t know what to tell HR. I just don’t want to get anyone in trouble so that things are not worse for me. If you have any suggestions to what I can tell HR please let me know