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Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **CLOSED**

Hi Everyone!

Carers Week is taking place this week! To mark the important occasion, @Hobbit from ARAFMI NSW will be running a special edition Topic Tuesday tonight.

This is an opportunity for carers all over Australia to come together and share their experiences, discuss what services have helped and also talk about issues that need to be improved for carers. Esstentially it's an opportunity to 'share notes' Smiley Happy

So I would like to hand it over to @Hobbit to kick it all off!





Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

Thanks Cherry!!

Hi everyone,

I’m Hobbit and I am a moderator on these forums. I also work at Mental Health Carers ARAFMI NSW Inc. I have the privilege hosting this week’s Topic Tuesday, in recognising Carers Week this week.

You carers play such an important role in the recovery of your loved ones, and also have your own journey of recovery yourselves.

I would love to have some discussions with you guys tonight. The whole purpose of the night is let you, as carers, voice your ideas and opinions, so I thought I would kick things off by asking this question and seeing what you all think:

We often tend to focus on the more difficult things in our lives, so I thought it would be good to talk about the positive stuff. So, firstly, what do you guys see as the positives of being a carer?

 Would love to hear your thoughts!!


Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

It shows that we love the person we are caring for. It teaches us to have patience and understanding and also to learn about our own coping skills.

Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

Another positive would be seeing the recovery and being a part of it. Rejoicing when things are well and caring when things are not so well.

Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

Hi leahheggie,

Thanks for that. So you are saying that being a carer basically gives you good 'life' skills. That's awesome. I really like the first part of your post - "It shows that we love the person we are caring for. Carers are basically that - loving people!!



Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

There are times when we want to give up but I think there are more times when we want to care than the giving up times

Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

I have to go I hope you get more people in here....I may be back later before 8pm to see how it is going. This has been a very good idea.

Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

Thanks happygirl,

Hopefully we will speak to you a bit later on.


Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

And I thought a second question that might be of interest for some discusison is:

How do you cope as a mental health carer and what supports and services would you recommend to other carers?


Re: Topic Tuesday: Carers Week **TONIGHT!** 6pm - 8pm AESDT

I cope by taking it one day at a time. Mindfullness helps. Learning what works best for you in your situation as all situations are different.


I would have to reccommend Partners in Recovery (PIR) because they have been able to assist with things that are needed by the consumer.They listen to what the consumer wants and does not tell the consumer what it is that is best for them. They can even come to you if needed. There is an elegibility criteria to use them and it is worthwhile finding out what they can help you with.