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Welcome & getting started

New Contributor


Hi guys new here just getting desperate to find help and no one seems to be able to point me in the right direction 

Senior Contributor

Re: Newbie

Welcome @Kyky888 

What's your diagnoses? And what state are you in? 

Re: Newbie

Thanks for your reply. I have bpd depression anxiety on medication but feel like I haven't moved forward in my life in many years. Just treading water surviving day to day

Re: Newbie

Hi @Kyky888 and welcome
Well done for reaching out

Can i ask if you have any supports in place like a good gp, or a psychologist? Medications often need reviewing by a psychiatrist as well


Feel free to have a look around and join in wherever you like as well 🙂

Also a forum tip  is if you put an @  before a members name  itll tag them for you

Re: Newbie

Hi @Kyky888 ,


Welcome to the forums. 

I have been in a similar circumstance to you...feeling just STUCK - neither moving backwards nor forwards.


Since then, after much therapy, I'm emerging from the dark tunnel and really moving forward.


You're welcome to join us at Raising Awareness of BPD - Flipping the Script . I have lived experience of the struggles that come with BPD and the lack of support from the mental health system once they hear 'BPD'. However, I've also been through a system that works.



Senior Contributor

Re: Newbie


Hi @Kyky888  and welcome to the forum. I hear you...

We are supportive and friendly bunch here, I hope you can get comfort, information, support and friendship here. If you type @ a drop box will appear and you can tag us or alternatively can type @ then type in members name and they should appear in the drop box too. 


Its hard to know who to turn to- for a number of reasons. Sometimes it takes a combinations of things and trail and error to find what works for you. For me action is the key and that has helped me move forward and to heal too. What do you think you need? Which state are you in? Is your diagnosis borderline or bipolar? 


Re: Newbie

Have you done a DBT program @Kyky888 ?

It's a bit hard to tell you what's available without knowing your state.

In Victoria there's an organisation called Spectrum, they are in Melbourne. They help BPD sufferers and run a combination of individual and group programs. 
There's an organisation near me in Brisbane that also runs group and individual programs for DBT.

I'm sure there's organisations all over Australia that run DBT programs like these. The other issue is money. As these DBT courses cost a lot, not everyone can afford them. But if this is the case there's other ways you can get the support you need.

Re: Newbie

Hey all.. great to hear you're advocating for specific programs. Remember to not get too specific about certain area/suburbs of cities 🙂

Have a nice day everyone 🙂

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