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Topic Tuesday// Managing your anxiety during uncertain times - with WayAhead // Tues 25th August, 7-8:30PM AEST

Anxiety is a normal and natural reaction everyone experiences from time to time. Anxiety can become a problem and develops into different types of anxiety disorders for many when it affects how we want to live our lives. With the right support, we can learn to manage our anxiety and live meaningful and fulfilling lives.


August LE - Anxiety event with WayAhead.png

For this month’s Topic Tuesday, we will be having a special guest from WayAhead coming to discuss all things related to anxiety and how we can manage our anxiety during uncertain times.


Want to receive a reminder on the night? Hit the 'Support' button below.



I'm new here - what is this?

The event runs from 7pm - 8.30pm AEST on the 25th of August. Each month we focus on a different topic, with the session facilitated by a Community Manager or Moderator. 

The first post of the thread (this one) will give you an idea of what the topic is and what will be covered.


How do I get involved?

Our text-based event takes place right here! As it is text-based, no software is needed. During the session, to keep up with the latest posts hit the 'refresh' button on your browser for the latest posts (it doesn't automatically update). Keep an eye for page numbers at the top & bottom of the page, and jump to the highest page number for the most recent post.


Throughout the session, the facilitator will put questions out for you to answer, usually asking for your own experience on the topic. To contribute to the event, just hit the 'reply' button and share your thoughts. No answers are right or wrong, and everyone is welcome to get involved! 


104 REPLIES 104

Re: Topic Tuesday// Managing your anxiety during uncertain times - with WayAhead // Tues 25th August, 7-8:30PM AEST

Hello all 🌻 


A big welcome to everyone who is joining us tonight!


I am tagging members who have supported the previous post to receive a reminder. 


@SageSolid @Slim_Jim @Tobias @MDT @Abu @eth @Shaz51 @SylviaS @Judi9877 @Snowie @Lostandalone @Maggie @Krishna @Tippy @Katje @WIP @flip2205 @Kess55 @69wk @Emelia8 @frog @BlueBay @Anastasia 


In tonight’s Topic Tuesday – Managing anxiety during uncertain times, we will be discussing all things related to anxiety, misunderstanding about anxiety disorders, and how it has affected your recovery journey. We will wrap up the night with some strategies we can try to manage our anxiety during this challenging time. We are very delighted to have @SallyMartin from WayAhead, who will be joining our discussion and sharing her lived experience with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).


If you have any trouble at any point during tonight’s discussion or find that you feel triggered by this topic, please engage in self-care and reach out to a helpline. The SANE Help Centre counsellors are also available until 10 pm via phone or webchat here.


Please come along and join us in welcoming our special guest @SallyMartin


I will now invite our guest to introduce herself, and we will get the discussion started in a little bit. Please join in and say hi to everyone🌟 


How to Cope With Anxiety and Depression | Everyday Health


Don’t forget to refresh your browser every few minutes to keep up with the latest posts, and be sure to hit the reply button to get involved!

Re: Topic Tuesday// Managing your anxiety during uncertain times - with WayAhead // Tues 25th August, 7-8:30PM AEST


I have worked for Wayahead, Mental Health Association for 26 years, and four years voluntary prior to paid work.  I have worked as the co-ordinator for the Anxiety Support Groups, the Anxiety Self Help Groups and the co-ordinator for Small Steps, a program raising awareness of anxiety disorders in children, these sessions are for Teachers & Parents of Primary aged children.  I have lived experience with OCD and was thirty before finally being diagnosed and treated.  I have lived 30 years with OCD under control.

Re: Topic Tuesday// Managing your anxiety during uncertain times - with WayAhead // Tues 25th August, 7-8:30PM AEST

Hello @Former-Member , @SallyMartin 



Re: Topic Tuesday// Managing your anxiety during uncertain times - with WayAhead // Tues 25th August, 7-8:30PM AEST

Hi there!

Re: Topic Tuesday// Managing your anxiety during uncertain times - with WayAhead // Tues 25th August, 7-8:30PM AEST

I'm new to this forum and looking forward to feedback regarding managing my anxiety in these unprecedented times.

Re: Topic Tuesday// Managing your anxiety during uncertain times - with WayAhead // Tues 25th August, 7-8:30PM AEST

Hello @Former-Member 

Welcome @SallyMartin 😁

Re: Topic Tuesday// Managing your anxiety during uncertain times - with WayAhead // Tues 25th August, 7-8:30PM AEST

Helllo, its nice to be with you tonight @Shaz51 @Wicked @Marion1 @Snowie 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Managing your anxiety during uncertain times - with WayAhead // Tues 25th August, 7-8:30PM AEST

Hello there everyone! Welcome to tonight's discussion 🌺 So glad you can join us tonight! 


 @Shaz51 @Wicked @Marion @Snowie  

Re: Topic Tuesday// Managing your anxiety during uncertain times - with WayAhead // Tues 25th August, 7-8:30PM AEST

Hi, This is the first time I have attended. I can only see text - is their no audio at all?