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Re: when is it time for hospital

Sounds like you had a tough conversation @outlander. It isn't your fault and I hope you know that. We can't accommodate everyone's needs all the time hence why we have to choose. Tough choices but you need to do what is best for you.

Re: when is it time for hospital

This is yet another convo @Anony18
Not even about MI but its a shite situation cause seriously i need a break

Re: when is it time for hospital

Would u like to know about it

Re: when is it time for hospital

Ok @outlander. Here to listen if you like to rant but understand if you are exhausted from it all and don't want to talk xx

Re: when is it time for hospital


Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander yes I would

Re: when is it time for hospital

Give me a sec ill jump on my computer. Ill prob get in trouble for that too

Re: when is it time for hospital

hugs @outlander, here for you too xx


Re: when is it time for hospital

I need a break. If I could up and leave I would. Im saving up and im going away for a few days cause I cant take it anymore.

But anyway she says im working all weekend. Which means I have the kids all weekend until she gets home and then when she gets home im still going to have them because she usually gets the craps and says she does everything and everyone wait for her to get home to do anything.

She pulled the whole you dont do anything while im not here, so its now puttign extra pressure on me to do something else and ive found a few free short courses that interest me that go for a few months each and I think I might do that once the mindspot course im doing is finished in about 5 weeks. I dont know how well this is going to work. Im already struggling to keep up as it is.

Tomorrow is going to be bloody hard and apparently im over exagerating on how hard its goignt o be according to my mother- yeah because shes not doing it.
So in the morning im dropping my sister off to her nans house so she can do some chores to earn some money so I said can you be back by 10 30 so we can go down to treat her horse (here horse is the one thats sick). Shes been pestering me to go for a ride and so I said ok you can have a ride and ill start cleaning out one of the paddocks but ill be around so I can watch you. Shes happy with that and I was ok with it as I thought it was only going to be me and here. But now mum has just notified me that she has to work which now means- I have to watch her while I do the yard, fill waters, and to empty the wheelbarrow and access the taps I have to get through two horse paddocks. So now I have to drag her through there with me with arms full.
And I have to watch my middle sister ride her horse. Then I have to treat the sick horse in the morning- once while my sisters not here, then one while shes riding and then one about 4 oclcock all while I have both sisters with me. My youngests sister is now going to want to ride and both horses that she rides is out and I dont get a ride on the horse I use either so I guess im working all weekend as well both being a carer and watching my sisters. My youngests sister is also still sick too so I have to limit what I do to make sure she stays warm and ahs medications through the day as prescribed by gp so shes well enough to go to school on monday as ive been watchig her since wednesday except for at appointments as mum bf or shes been home at the time to watch her for me. So I havent had much chance to even breathe yet.

After I said to mum everything I have to do and after how much I am struggling as told to her in last night. She growls at me and says your making it so much harder than wht it needs to be. And if I made a list and gave it to her she would yell at me. But this si the list

1. get sister to her nans house/ sisters breakfast and medication/get dressed
2. come home and make all the horse feeds up for all 4 horses
3. pick up sister
4. get horses in
5. get my sister set up for riding
6. treat sick horse
7. feed sick horse
8. fill up sick horses water
9. clean out sick horse paddock
9. go up and clean ponies paddock
10. fill up ponies water
11. feed the pony
12. try and allow my sister to have a small ride on middle sisters horse when shes finished
13. feed middle sisters horse and the horse I use
14. retreat the sick horse again before I leave
15. come home
16, make sure chores are done- dishes, vaccuming
17. make sure kids have lunch and sister has medications
18. go back down to treat sick horse
19. come home and do dinner, shower etc

then tomorrow mums and work and I have to do all that all over again!


@Shaz51@Pepsimax@Anony18@Former-Member@CheerBear@Former-Member@Queenie@Owlunar @Former-Member

Re: when is it time for hospital

They said dreams come true
But someone forgot to meantion
Nightmares are dreams too