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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor


Idk if this is the right section but does anyone else feel like sane forums has been really quiet/slow lately? It seems like hardly anyone is on including the mods... this isn’t me trying to blame anyone for anything but just wondering if it is more quiet than usual or if it is just me. It seem like it is sometimes taking days for there to be a reply to a thread and the threads don’t seem to move much....


Re: Slow/quiet

@Eden1919  Hi Eden1919 I can only speak for myself but I can only cope with answering a certain about of posts a day. So I try and pick and choose. I think people sometimes get burn out and need to go back inside their shell to recoup. Also it is a good thing I think for many it could mean they are 'getting better' out away from their computers etc.  


For me I have been a bit flat been unwell and meds taking their toll on my contributing.

Re: Slow/quiet

yeah @Eden1919
the forums in general are a little quiet at the moment.

Re: Slow/quiet

@greenpea  Yeah I get that people can only answer so much but even the moderators who are supposed to help pick up some of that don’t seem to be replying.  Not trying to sound rude or anything it is just weird. It just seems like a ghost town lately. @outlander  I am glad it isn’t just me feeling that it is quieter than usual. 

Not applicable

Re: Slow/quiet

Hi all 🤗

Interesting that the feeling at the moment is that the forums are a bit quiet. Could be for many reasons and like @greenpea people's capacity will eb and flow with what is going on for them in terms of replies. 

The moderators role in the forums is to manage risk, moderators don't often get involved in replying more generally to threads as we try to maintain the peer to peer support that is the purpose of the community if that makes sense? There are always moderators reading and around for safety and support though just to reassure you. I know there were a few useful bits of feedback shared in the Guideline update thread too which we are working on. 

If anyone ever wants more help or support in how to post or how to get the most out of engaging on the forums feel free to email 

Re: Slow/quiet

@Eden1919 @outlander @Former-Member  being blunt here when I started on sane everyone wanted to help other people in their problems. Now I am finding that there are a core group who continually try and help whilst others just take and not give back ..... imho. I dont know what can be done about that cause that causes burn out. You might see someone once when they have a question and then never again. Not even a thank you from them .... it is kind of off putting to keep posting when you never get any feedback from the them. Again theat is not all but it would be 50/50.

Re: Slow/quiet

@Former-Member  I get the mods main thing is safety but idk they used to answer more when I first joined now they just never seem like they are around even to do basic safety functions they seem to be less active than usual. 


@greenpea  I can see what you mean I do try and reply personally but the last few months for me has been crazy stressful so I haven’t been able too as much. But I do agree there are a lot of people you only see a few times and the people who stick around do tend to do a lot of the replying. 

Re: Slow/quiet

@Eden1919   yes I dont know what the answer is tbh. It would be great if everyone had a go at supporting it would share the load around and make it more interesting to get other people's perspectives. Maybe that could be encouraged more. Like you I have been off colour lately and have found posting hard going.I do agree with you the moderators have been more proactive in the past I am pretty sure of that. peax

Re: Slow/quiet

@greenpea  yeah I feel like they used to reply pretty often but now they don’t. Idk how to get people involved more either but it is hard. 

Re: Slow/quiet

@Eden1919 @greenpea in sorry I've not been around or supporting much. I'm finding life out of hospital hard.
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