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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

Hope you managed some sleep @Captain24  and that perhaps today is a little lighter for you. 

can you do some Lego? We have the rabbit, daughter built it. And my tuxedo cat arrived a couple of days ago!

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 ,


Just checking in. How are you?


I'm hopping on the PGC shortly on Internal Conflict if you want to join.


Otherwise, speak after.


Hope you are okay.

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Bow. I got a lot of sleep until the vet rang me at 9:30 wanting Jett to have his surgery today instead of next week. 

Im having trouble with too much sleep and have been put on a sleep schedule. I can meet the nighttime schedule but not the morning one. I use to be a morning person. 

Oh how exciting that it’s arrived. I hope you enjoy putting it together. You will have to show me when you’re done. I want to do the Simba one but think it’s best to wait until after my admission that way I don’t have to rush to get it finished. 

Hey @tyme 


Thanks for checking in. I guess you know how I am. 

I hope you are ok? 

Re: I can’t cope

Yep. I was sort of back to business as usual after a week, so I guess I'm a little more drained. It's okay though.. better than being sick @Captain24 !


Hugs to you.

Re: I can’t cope

Have you been sick? @tyme 

Re: I can’t cope

I had COVID @Captain24 . I'm all better now though. It's the second time this year.

Re: I can’t cope

Bugger @tyme. Did you get sick? 

Re: I can’t cope

I think I head a fever one night. A bit headachy and achy @Captain24 . But nothing too major. However, I realised something was different when each breath felt I was breathing at half my lung capacity. This only lasted 2-3 days though and then I was fine. The last thing to go was the nasal congestion.


I should be a COVID expert now. 


It was okay though. I had HEAPS of rest. But I still made myself get up to do things. I didn't just stay in bed because I know that's not good for my MH.


ANyway, I've gtg. Chat to you tomorrow.


Great to see you! Hugs.

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 , I'm sorry to read your were distressed on Wednesday night 😢


How are you feeling today? 


What is your work situation - are you able to work? 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 


@so did Jett end up having his surgery? How is he? 

are you working at the moment? And when is your admission? 

I like to take my time with Lego builds, a bag or 2 a day, but with the tuxedo cat I just wanna keep going! Can’t wait until it’s finished. 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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