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25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

Re: I can’t cope

I’ve taken my meds but they are slow release so it’ll take a while @RiverSeal. I did journal and I’ve been writing notes for my psych appointment Tuesday. I’m just lying here in the dark listening to pix snoring. 

Re: I can’t cope

It’s so easy to fall back into old ways. I couldn’t get to sleep, I’ve only just gotten up and I feel like I should still be asleep. My GP is in on Tuesday. Hopefully he will write scripts for me and the right ones.

Re: I can’t cope

I’m sitting here trying the whole self care bullshit. I have a candle burning, music playing and I’m doing diamond art. I am so over it all. I’m just doing it because I’ve been told too. I’m not even singing along with the songs. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24, sorry to hear that your self-care is not going so well today. How are your babies going and have you walked them as yet? Sometimes the thing we need to do doesn't work and trying other things is all we can do. Sitting with you right now! RiverSeal

Re: I can’t cope

It’s all hard @RiverSeal. I was going to get a Lego out but I’m not up for that either. I need to clean the kitchen bench up first. I use to do it in the front room on the coffee table but Jett is an arse and takes the pieces!


I haven’t walked them yet. My creepy neighbour is outside and I don’t want to deal with him right now so I’ll walk them this afternoon. Both are just sleeping right now. Pix is in her safe place under my bed and Jett is in the floor next to me. 

I need to go book shopping so I can read in the front room. I might do that when I go out this afternoon. I’m going to go out to the cold rock ice cream food truck while it’s in town. Maybe that’s some self care I can enjoy. 

I also just realised that because my meds aren’t right I’m not getting the correct doses of my new anti-psychotic. Maybe that’s a contributing factor. 

Re: I can’t cope

Sounds like a good plan @Captain24 and self-care definitely includes food from a food truck! Taking the doggos when they are rested is a good idea and staying safe from the neighbour is wise. Definitely discuss your medications with your doctor when you have an appointment next. I hope your day goes well from here on! Take care RiverSeal 

Re: I can’t cope

It’s cold dark and gloomy here and it’s not just the weather. 


Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 ,


Sorry to hear it is gloomy today. 


What have you been up to today?

Re: I can’t cope

I slept in really late @tyme. Then I got up and did some diamond art. Fed the dogs did more diamond art. Drive to the cold rock ice creamery truck and got some ice cream and then came home and did more diamond art. 

This self care thing isn’t working.

I also had a realisation that because my meds are wrong it means I’m not getting the right doses! It’s taken me days to figure that out. I’m a bit stupid. 

What did you get up to? 

Re: I can’t cope



To you @Captain24 - from my niece. 

Im working and then I see this that she has written.