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Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Hi Anne , alessendra , and Ellie

hope you are managing ok. If not never forget that there are people who care about you and are always here to listen without judgment. I am very grateful for the support here and the kindness geven ,something I have never known.
I have had alot of med changes so im very scattered stay strong
take care

oh stay warm Kristin I would love to be sitting with you watching the snow on the mountains. I miss the river so much. You really don't know what you've got until it's gone.

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Hi @hiddenite,

I'm sorry that its scary there, if you can maybe some visualisation would help, imagine some different places that you would feel safe and love to be and hold on to those sights as well as you can. if you are able to. Feeling frightened all the time is exhausting but i'm here with you hoping that you are able to get some rest and praying that your new meds are going to settle soon and help in someway.

Take very good care of you and be gentle on yourself,


Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Thanks Karen,

Sorry to hear things are a struggle for you. I wish there was something practical I could do to help. Holding hope for you and your beauthiful girls. 

There's snow on the mountain at the moment. 

Hope for a walk in the sunshine by the rail trail endures...

Kindest regards,


Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Hi Hiddenite. Have they given you any indication fo when you're likely to get out?

Also, I know some of these places can be confronting, scary, but has anything happened to make you feel that way? I only ask because of my position as a MH nurse. If I can learn from people who are going through these things, then it's better than learning out of a million text books.

Hope you get better soon. I'm thinking of you and the support on this site is amazing.

Stay strong Hiddenite.

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Hey @hiddenite
Thank you for thinking of me! I have been knackered of late, which is a good thing as I am getting to bed earlier..and getting better sleep..
Next thing I will be leaping out of bed to walk my four legged friend! Good for her and good for me.
Here's to getting undisturbed sleep for a few hours each day...thinking of you Karen and hoping mhu is actually helping your journey to wellness 🙂

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Having care from people with lived experience is the way to go

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Dear Karen @hiddenite

Thinking of you. We are all here holding hope for you.

Have the new meds settled down at all? 

Take care of you my friend.

Hope for sunshine and snow on the mountain endures...

Kindest regards, 



Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

It's not too complex to be helped, but it is hell. You aren't alone. All therapists find it extrmely confronting to deal with extreme illness and many think they aren't experienced or skilled enough to do it. They should not lay that on you. 

After a year of not talking to anyone and two suicide attempts, I found it too difficult to speak even to a therapist. However, I was driven by my mother to a woman who allowed me to sit in silence for many sessions until I was trustful enough to speak. Very slowly, I came back to life. In all honesty, the most effective treatment for that episode was exercise. I eventually took out a gym membership and went everyday until I was probably a little too high, but it helped more than staying indoors alone. 

Something that raises your heartrate a little, even strong yoga could help at the beginning and allow you to be in other's presence without conversing. Could that be possible? 

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Dear @NewCityOldPain,

How are you ? I like you're message, I personally know its taken me some time to get onto exercise ..... I use a stretchy thing I do exercises with at home. One day .... Ille admit to my darling friends at Sane Forums that haven't done them for a while but ....

Nice that your Mum took you to a therapist. I also have taken my sons to therapists one who sat in silence for sessions, I really think it put my oldest son in a place of trust with me me with lived experience and him on his journey of experiencing times with mental ill health.

So what's been happening in your life ?

Ive been Crocheting a weird looking handbag for myself and doing my other love which is watching tv these days.

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Dear Karen @hiddenite

Thinking of you my friend. I'm aware it's now two weeks since you went into the MHU. Have they given you any indication of when you might go home? 

Sorry I haven't been posting much. I have been dipping in and out of the forums, mosty reading. I am just exhausted and overwhelmed with too much stuff to do. I have been finding that engaging with all the new services (especially intake) quite triggering and exhausting. I've now engaged with 13 new services/therapists/organisations to get help for the kids &/or myself since the beginning of the year (correction that's 13 where there is an ongoing nature to it, so not counting things like Family First, SOCA, Safe Futures).

I ended up having a complete meltdown in art on Friday, I just couldn't stop sobbing. I've been working on a poem and a piece of collage called Puzzling Pieces. It's my way of trying to explain/externalise what has been stirred up recently.

The river and the mountain are here waiting for you to return. They are very patient. The river is running high with all the rain, and the mountain has already had its first snows for the year. I think it's going to be a cold winter. So keeping the fire burning, but trying not to use much wood. The chair is by the fire, the candle will be lit shortly as I'm having an early night. 

Take care of you my friend.

Hope for seeing snow and sunshine endures...

Kindest regards, 
