23-09-2014 11:36 PM
23-09-2014 11:36 PM
Mais oui La Tour Eiffel Karma.
Though I hesitate to accept that it is "artistic." I am way too blue collar for that.
A bonus display case for your box of pins if you spot the literary reference.
One of Sandy's favourites, and mine too.
24-09-2014 07:14 PM
24-09-2014 07:14 PM
Are you making reference @JubileeJohnson, to 'being 37 and driving through Paris with the wind in my hair'? Am I right @Alessandra? Do a get a set of free steak knives too, hee hee?
25-09-2014 11:22 PM
25-09-2014 11:22 PM
Sorry karma, my fault - far too oblique. Actually a better guess than my clue, but I was 31, and on foot.
It relates to a character in one of Terry Prachett's Discworld series of books - Stanley Howler:
"Raised by peas (no further explanation is given), Stanley has a tendency towards obsessive behaviour, coupled with violent incidents when under stress. He used to be one of the more obsessive of Ankh-Morpork's large number of pin collectors (called 'pinheads'), to the point that all the other collectors thought he was "a bit weird about pins". Fortunately his liking for pins can be used to calm him down from his, as called in the books, 'Little Moments'."
Terry Pratchett is one of the only fiction authors I read. Or at least, one of the only ones I enjoy reading.
All the characters in his books are quite mad (caveat - I don't mean to offend anyone - they are my kind.
26-09-2014 07:35 AM
26-09-2014 07:35 AM
27-09-2014 02:26 AM
27-09-2014 02:26 AM
27-09-2014 02:27 AM
27-09-2014 02:27 AM
27-09-2014 08:24 PM
27-09-2014 08:24 PM
27-09-2014 08:25 PM
27-09-2014 08:25 PM
29-09-2014 11:15 PM
29-09-2014 11:15 PM
Ladies? ass-u-me that you are aware of Tom Holt.
If not, I think you would both enjoy.
The J.W. Wells & Co. series should be read in order.
30-09-2014 07:19 PM
30-09-2014 07:19 PM
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