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Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I agree with @Kurra, I love @Phoenix_Rising's sense of humour, she makes me giggle heaps. 

@CherryBomb and @Kurra awwwww shucks. Smiley Embarassed


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shaz51, what time do you usually go to bed? I hope it's not your aching that is keeping you awake. Do you have much on tomorrow? Heart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ok, I think this little turtle is getting sleepy. Thank you for a super fun night everybody. Until next Friday...

Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

LOL @Mazarita your nutella sign is hilarious!

You know, my name is CherryBomb for a reason...

**drops nutella bomb and it exploads everywhere** Smiley Very Happy Smiley Very Happy


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sleep well @Phoenix_Rising! 🎶💜

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Usually 8-30 , 9pm @Mazarita

No , we are going to sleep in tomorrow that is why we are watching tv relaxing

we have turned the alarm off Smiley LOL

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Night night @Phoenix_Rising

I'm also about to log off. Thanks for a fun night everyone! Hope I didn't make too much of a mess with that nutella bomb. Smiley Embarassed

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good night @Phoenix_Rising Smiley LOL

Good night @CherryBomb , have a good weekend HeartHeart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Night all, thanks for the many laughs. Smiley Very Happy Heart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

{Wanders in to clean up after Friday's Feast. Gives thanks that Phoenix_Rising left a few minutes before @CherryBomb dropped a nutella bomb on Friday night. Decides the area needs to be declared a public health hazard. Wanders off to call hazardous materials experts to come in and clean up...}. Smiley Very Happy
