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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Big week@Former-Member? Are the kids on Easter Break now?

@BlueBay not up to much, just resting to try and shake of this cold. Have just posted in your thread. Dinner plans with friends sounds nice, though it can be pretty draining if you don't feel like socialising. In instacnes like these, I find that sometimes you can feel pleasantly suprised if you, but then there are also times where you just feel tired and anxious. 


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb , yes a massive week. and not yet we have a week left (though last day is Thursday because of Easter).
Am feeling very drained! Fingers crossed next week goes quick!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hiya everyone 🙂

Vegetarian pastizzis (love nibbly kind of food) here and I've just brewed a delicious 'chilli kiss' tea in my favourite teapot (it's a little bit fancy!).

Hope everyone is going well tonight 😊
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CheerBear
How are you?
ooh that tea sounds interesting, i'll try! (if you're sharing!)
Hi @Phoenix_Rising are you around? Hope you're doing ok,

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

It's super yummy @Former-Member! It leaves a little tingle because of the chilli. Definitely sharing and complete with very pretty teacup for you (and anyone else). 4 more days now?! Hope it's an easy week ahead for you.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CheerBear nibbly food is the best type of food for a dinner party. Smiley Very Happy I'm not sure we've meet before, so it's nice to meet you! I love you avartar pic, reminds me of a Care Bear I had way back. 

@Shaz51 crickey! Sorry I forgot about the kidney issues - is that what is causing you pain? Smiley Sad

@Former-Member one more shortish week. I feel like we'll be dragging ourselves to the finish line. I plan on face planting into bed on Thursday.

so tired.gif

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

mmm yum @CheerBear (i like spicy foods so wondering what it'll be like in a tea!) probably good for the metabolism too!
@CherryBomb if only faceplanting and beds equalled sleep in my world i'd probably be ok! SLEEEEP where are you? Very cute gif!

oh no @Shaz51 i was hoping the antibiotics would have worked by now 😞 big hugs! xx

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Not sure @CherryBomb, hope not

Hubby now has high cholestrol so he is taking himself off one of the meds

Hello @Former-Member, @CheerBear, @Faith-and-HopeSmiley LOL



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi Everyone, 


I hope everyones week has been ok, tonight i am feeling so sad for the Syrian people, it makes me so sad, angry and disillusioned human civilisation can't just get along or at least leave each other alone. 


I have read a few weeks ago about the mental health of children and young adults their are destroyed. 


sorry for being so low tonight, the world is just so sad, and everyone is at fault for not saying enough to all countries.


hugs to everyone, sorry for the morbid tone..



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ah it is a care bear @CherryBomb! It's cheer bear's belly badge. love that you noticed that 😀

Hiya @Shaz51 😊