13-04-2024 11:04 AM
13-04-2024 11:04 AM
oh, nah , just local @Bill16 sh!t, went there twice already this week just gone.
just to IGA for saturday paper, bread etc might go to newsagent and get some more scratchies and easypic ticket for tonight
13-04-2024 11:05 AM
13-04-2024 11:05 AM
Hello @StuF good morning to you! I slept form 7pm to 11pm woke up. Listened to melatonin producing audio and slept from 12am to 9am this morning. All in all 12 hours sleep. Haven't slept this long in over 6 months. I much prefer melatonin audio I have some melatonin tablets leftover but why use them when you can generate melatonin for free? My body must have needed that amount of sleep - have been struggling with sleep for a while.
Just put clothes on the line and have made a cup of tea. My computer is fixed as of yesterday. Will hopefully get money back from uninstalling a download which didn't work plus an e-bay purchase for kidney detox which never arrived. Am thinking of not cooking on gas stove anymore after reading my gas bill on Friday. $1.70/day is my gas cost and I only use it to cook on my gas stove! I have a portable electric cooktop so will use that instead. Will save me money each month. Just taking things quietly. I have not been well for quite a while but today has been a better day for me. Am so grateful for the little things! 🙂
Wanted to share this track. Will also put it up on the sleep thread created by @Former-Member
Here it is ta da! It works like magic
The deep sleeper inducer audio:
13-04-2024 11:23 AM
13-04-2024 11:23 AM
Just back from the chemist @TAB
Now, after I calm down from all the excitement, I'll eat something (and smash a can of V), do a bit of housework, shops and walk...not sure on order yet! lol
13-04-2024 11:25 AM
13-04-2024 11:25 AM
Port Freo should be a good game @TAB
(At least the Swans can't lose this week! lol)
13-04-2024 11:28 AM
13-04-2024 11:28 AM
Great to hear you got some better sleep @Former-Member ! That audio sounds interesting. Lucky for me, sleep is not something I have a problem with.
Hope you continue to feel better overall. Take it easy
13-04-2024 11:55 AM
13-04-2024 11:55 AM
Thanks @StuF I used to sleep quite well for 30 years since I started on my psychiatric meds as they were so sedating but recently the situation hasn't been so good admittedly. I began learning that sleep deprivation and interrupted sleep was common in the psychiatric community after reading many accounts of people suffering with this problem of recent date. I have been out of the loop and had no idea that this was a problem even with my hospitalisations but they used to hand out sleeping pills like candy on the "lolly trolley" we used to call it lol! Well I got 12 hours last night which was really welcome. Feeling much better today! I'm glad I also got healing the other day
13-04-2024 12:11 PM
13-04-2024 12:11 PM
Sounds like a decent way to start your weekend @Former-Member
13-04-2024 12:15 PM
13-04-2024 12:15 PM
@TAB ADHD 🙌🏼 my whole family.
My son married well, no doubt about that. The in-laws aren’t poor and his wife is an accountant.
I tip my hat to them, because that kid of mine is a roller coaster 🎢 of ADHD symptoms.
I should go make tea now, right. Instead of sitting here pressing a screen.
13-04-2024 12:17 PM
13-04-2024 12:17 PM
I 've been to shops, also got tickets for tonight and fuel. card got refused. Attendant did not want to know about my excuses that it was the machine and sure there is enough in there .. well. Paid house insurance and extras and bought some crap on internet .. so . ..der ... lucky had cash back up lol @StuF washing is just done. needs hanging out. need to get some wood ready for tonight , split kindling/trying and split some wood so will fit in tiny pot belly. near used up all right sized wood could see. had to stuff a few pces in the the hotplate section at top lol
13-04-2024 12:22 PM
13-04-2024 12:22 PM
Cash saved the day @TAB 🙂
I always carry a bit in case
Jealous of your fire. I could burn shite in my room, but it wouldn't go well
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