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Re: Good Morning!

As far as I know Alan Watts used to live on a boat is that true @MDT? Do you get much into David R. Hawkins? ~ he used to be a USA psychiatrist and went into contemplation and became a western bodhisattva.  He cured all his illnesses and went into a high state of consciousness writing a swathe of books. I read his book: "Power vs. Force" and you can rise up lots exponential consciousness points just by reading it. Most people only move a few points in their lifetime. 

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning and good afternoon @MDT @SmilingGecko @Bill16 @TAB @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Snowie @FloatingFeather @Former-Member @Former-Member @tyme @Former-Member @Paperdaisy @Clawde @Meowmy @greenpea @maddison @Historylover @Appleblossom @Faith-and-Hope @Former-Member @OscarJones @frog @Oaktree @Owlunar @Captain24 @Jacques @Jynx @Daisydreamer and all forumites here. I hope your day is going well.


I’m feeling a little anxious and moody lately for some unknown reason. It’s like I’m not happy within myself and I feel a little lost and let down with my life in general. I’ve been struggling with motivation as well and feel like I’m not achieving much despite knowing that just living is an achievement in itself. I’m due to go away on a holiday in 2 weeks time so hopefully that fixes things up for me mentally. I’m sorry to be so down right now!


Take care!


Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Judi9877  and everyone else


I can so Totally relate to that feeling @Judi9877 !!! It varies in intensity, but there's always at least a slight 'unease'...


I hope your holiday does the trick! 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Judi9877 


I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling but it's great you can reach out and talk about it. Where are you going on holidays too? That could definitely pick you up somewhat. I hope so!


Sending hugs


Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon @Judi9877 


Sorry you feel this way but I can totally relate. 

Hope your holiday helps

Re: Good Morning!

Ohh hugs my awesome friend @Judi9877 ❤❤❤

Re: Good Morning!

Not sure re Watts @SmilingGecko
All I know is that he popularised Eastern religion/philosophy for Western audiences. He was quite good at it. Plus his voice is very measured too. Easy to imitate haha.

Re: Good Morning!

Hello everyone, thought I'd post this: 


Mars is going into gemini this week for a loooo-ng transit then it goes retrograde.  Sparks are expected to fly, so we have been cautioned to exercise restraint. 


How it affects your sun sign is here: 


@Shaz51 @Captain24 @hanami @StuF @Judi9877 

Re: Good Morning!

@Judi9877 hope you feel better soon. Take care

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Judi9877 sending lots of love ❤️ I'm sorry you're feeling a bit low today. It  can all be a bit of a rollercoaster.


Do you have anything that you can do to help brighten your day a little bit? Maybe some knitting? 


For me, I sometimes do a gratitude list of the small things from the day. Yesterday, mine were the sound of the rain on the tin roof, my cosy blanket, my cat. It didn't fix anything, but it helped me feel a tiny bit better ❤️