10-03-2025 07:17 PM
10-03-2025 07:36 PM
10-03-2025 10:21 PM
10-03-2025 10:21 PM
I loved your list items getting crossed off. Tick!
I still have parts of my house I need to tidy and organise. My desk in my bedroom. It’s been waiting a very long while. I also don’t want to toss things I may later want. So leaving it till… when it feels right.
I am approximately clean and tidy in a laid back fashion. Am a mad greenie, so I don’t want to wash my clothes too often. Not good for the planet. So I have a chair I drape current clothes on, til they have been used enough to warrant going to the laundry. I a m being naughty and doing a test to see if I am too smelly, lol, but people aren’t keeping away from me, so I must have gotten the balance about right. lol. Some of the humour, is part of the push back now, on how bad my self esteem actually was.
Anyway good on ya. It’s great getting personal space organised.
Hey @Former-Member it’s great having you around
10-03-2025 10:23 PM
10-03-2025 10:31 PM
10-03-2025 10:31 PM
I am glad you are working through all the complicated aspects of relationships with your sons.
Sometimes it helps to see an example that you really don’t want to follow.
Getting the balance right will be different for each of them.
I have no idea what is normal, I have seen so many varieties and dynamics.
Treasure the good moments, keep them on a memory loop in the top drawer of your mind. Remember their love. Yes, embrace the people who do want to be in your life, but that carer, needed to work on her professional boundaries. You have apologised enough for whatever happened.
Hope your next one is a better fit. Enjoy your art and craft and yep the sense of company on here really makes a difference.
gently bently
10-03-2025 10:31 PM - edited 10-03-2025 10:34 PM
10-03-2025 10:31 PM - edited 10-03-2025 10:34 PM
10-03-2025 10:36 PM
11-03-2025 02:00 AM
11-03-2025 02:00 AM
I used to do heaps of volunteering @Blackcloud and sometimes you just need a bit of a break from it whilst you kind of.
Take stock of your life.
Then you go back. It's not bad. It just is.
Look how much you have achieved
And honestly -
You write well too.
11-03-2025 07:46 PM
11-03-2025 07:46 PM
@Mustang67 my friend,
Please know we are here if you have a wobbly moment with changing anti depressants.
You are important.
Did they know you had that car accident ?
I'm personally too upset with my ex husband's Psych hospital to support my ex-husband - they just took him off the antidepressants within 2 weeks,
Then accused him of being rude.
12-03-2025 04:52 PM
12-03-2025 04:52 PM
@PeppyPatti @Oaktree @rav3n @Former-Member @avant-garde
and everyone
It's hot and I have flaked. Was flat on the floor with the cats for a while
Hope you are all coping with whatever is coming your way
The good
The bad and
The Ugly
A siren just went by outside...
Wasn't us
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