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Re: 365 Project

More and more i am struggling to see the difference of humans and animals, sometimes i see animals as being superior to us humans, they have better morals, ethics and don't harm each other for fun.  yes  animals are much more civilised than humans

Re: 365 Project

I have often had the same thought.

Re: 365 Project

@Appleblossom Yeah, I'd forgotten how great the zoo is! - Provided it's a zoo that is about animal conservation, that is. I get concerned that some zoos don't treat animals well, but this one that I went to was definitely a gem. I think you and @Jacques are onto something: I think we could all learn something from animals, they are very wiser than most people think.

@Former-Member orangutangs sounds amazing! Were they playful and curious?

I had a friend ask me yesterday if I could choose one endangered animal to save from the thread of extinction would would it be. It's a tough question, but I'm keen to hear your thoughts on this @Former-Member @Appleblossom @Jacques @chookmojo.


Re: 365 Project

I have to keep it local and say orange bellied parrot, eastern barred bandicoot, and leadbetter possum, spotted tree frog.  No I cant do the choose one .. just cant.

Re: 365 Project

 @CherryBomb Well from a purely practical perspective I would save bees. I would find it too hard to make this decision based on emotion.

Re: 365 Project

@Former-Member, Hear hear! Naps are fantastic.

Re: 365 Project

@Jacques. Woohoo! 

Re: 365 Project

Well my favourite animal to save would have to be elephants, they are such graceful, intelligent creatures who have had a rough ride from humans, their intelligents far surpasses humans.


Thanks @chookmojo, i didn't think of bees, now i have to add bees to the list too, sorry @CherryBomb, i am like @Appleblossom i can't choose just one.......

Re: 365 Project

Today I went to a myotherapist for head and shoulders soft tissue work.  It was first time. She was nice but opposite from me .. her and her husband had both been raised in the area and had family close by.

I asked her about the having to drive across town .. and she says she rarely leaves the suburb as all she needs is local. A much simpler life is what I am aiming for.  I also was careful about self disclosure and trying more to get her talking than for me to do it.  There are so many "delicate" things that just might pop out of mouth.


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Re: 365 Project

@Appleblossom How do you feel after going? better? or will it be more sore for a few days...? @CherryBomb Im not sure I can choose either.. but probably whales... its tricky isnt it!

My thing for today!! Its been a tough day... So I think i might just be happy with myself for getting to my two appointments and dealing with them... as best i could lol! or i could be greatful that they're done!! 😄