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Re: Daily Achievements!

@LostAngel @Judi9877 @Shaz51 @RedHorse good evening, every one, very hot here for many days already. 

1)took it easy

2)early morning walk

3)cooked meals for mum

4) just relaxed and texted friends

5)was able to stay calm

6)took meds

7)tried to support friend


Re: Daily Achievements!

Very good my darling @Meowmy 

Please take care with the heat xx 

Cooking a quiche for my mum  tonight 

Re: Daily Achievements!

Very impressive @RedHorse @Meowmy @LostAngel @Shaz51 .

Today my big achievement was going to the library for the first time since before lockdown. 


Re: Daily Achievements!

Good evening @Meowmy @Shaz51 @LostAngel @tyme @RedHorse @Codex1 @MDT @TAB @Daisydreamer @Former-Member @Former-Member @cloudcore @frog @oceangirl and all forumites here. Well done on all of your achievements friends! I’m so proud of each of you snd what you accomplish each day. Keep up the great work👍🏻!


Today, I achieved the following things:

- Started knitting another beanie (a theme for me right now and am on a roll with them at the moment!)

- Emailed my psychologist to give them an idea of what it’s like to live with BPD as they questioned it recently using a real life episode of mine as an example for them to possibly understand 

- Cleaned the dust from my fan and have now discovered why it wasn’t working at its full capacity (apparently dust slows them down!)

- Worked on a knitted Crazy blanket for myself after having yet another argument with my sister

- Performed some minor first aid on my housemates foot after a fork poked her (nothing serious that a band aid couldn’t fix!)

- Took out the recycling from my bedroom that needed to be done for bin night tonight

- Looked up my timetable for Tafe - Certificate IV in Mental Health- and downloaded 4 subject assessment guides out of 6 subjects I’m studying as I couldn’t locate the other 2 subject guides on the Internet 

- Watched the start of the Nick Kyrgios and Thonassi doubles match on TV until I got bored of it


That’s my list done for tonight. Keep those achievements coming in!


Take care!


Re: Daily Achievements!

Hello @TAB @cloudcore @Jynx @Former-Member @Meowmy @Shaz51 @Judi9877 and everybody else I'm about to eat and have daily coffee, then meds, then snacks, then books, forums again, confirm outing with new support worker, set up a new excursion and organise it with support workers, relax for the rest of the day.

Re: Daily Achievements!

Hi Everyone!


My achievements so far today:

- waking up for work

- helping work colleagues

- finding time for myself

- enjoying what I do 


 @Meowmy @Shaz51 @LostAngel @RedHorse @Codex1 @Hams @TAB @frog @oceangirl @Judi9877 



Re: Daily Achievements!

Hello @tyme , @Judi9877 , @Codex1 , @Dimity , @Meowmy 

Today I cleaned  2 houses 

Had my hair done 

Done a load of washing 

Now thinking what to cook for dinner 

Re: Daily Achievements!

I admire you @Shaz51 ! You've got so much on your plate and you still have time to bring the SANE community together! Kudos to you!


@Judi9877 @Dimity @Meowmy @TAB @MDT 



Re: Daily Achievements!

Awwwww thank you @tyme 🥰

Love to get my computer back to support  everyone more here xx

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Shaz51 @Judi9877 @tyme @Codex1 @Dimity hello everyone. Today was challenging. Work office got flooded with heavy rains

1) early morning walk

2) bought food for mother

3) went to work 

4)did work well until sudden flooding

5) kept calm in flood

6) got home safely

7) helped friend over the phone 


Take care every one