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Re: A long rave

Goodluck with your appointment today @Angels333 I hope he helps you out with the script and if he doesn't then he helps you find other strategies to del with your anxiety.


Goodmorning @greenpea @Doglover @Adge and others passing by here Smiley Very Happy

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7  Good morning Zoe7 have a lovely day . Lots of love your lil peaxxxHeart

Re: A long rave

@Angels333 have a nice day. Take care.

Re: A long rave

Thanks @Zoe7 , yes he gave me the script and suggested the option of going back into hospital.    But although I have been struggling I feel like I can manage.  I was quite emotional in the appointment. 


How was your day?

Re: A long rave

@Angels333 I am glad he gave you a script but not so great that you were emotional - it happens though hey. Hope the rest of you day has been okay Heart


@greenpea Had a pretty good day - the kids were better today - a bit more settled. It will take time to get them into routines but we will get there. Hope you had an okay day little pea Heart

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7  Hey Zoe7 I am glad that the kiddy winkles behaved themselves better for you today - I really dont know how you do it lol. Good teachers deserve medals. I had a great day today had a real breakthrough with psychiatrist spoke about stuff which I had kept silent about for over a year so was a huge achievement. She wants me to come bck in 2 weeks to go over what we unpacked just to make sure I am okay with it all. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful psychiatrist.

Re: A long rave

I had a similar appointment with my psychiatrist today @greenpea I mentioned some things to her that I never thought I would and she was wonderful. It is so good having such a great psychiatrist - very much hear you on that one.


So great that you are comfortable enough to talk to yours and even better that it went well and you can see it as a huge achievement. We discussed how far I have come today and she also asked me if I could recognise that in myself. I can see how far I have come but we also know there is still a lot further to go. 


I think you are in a simialr boat - baby steps sometimes seem all we can achieve but looking back on where we once were and where we are now are poles apart - and that is wonderful. You certainly have come a long way Hon and you should be proud of the work you have done to get to where you are now ...I am proud of my little pea Heart

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7  and you see Zoe7 this is why when we talk you always bring a tear to the eye of the pea. Your kind heart always shines through in your words. You are a lovely person Zoe7 xxx

Re: A long rave

awww I made the pea cry again - becoming a habit hey @greenpea lol

Mean every word though Hon - you have come so far and that needs to be acknowledged Heart

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7  Thank you Zoe7 xxxHeart:)

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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