14-10-2015 09:53 PM
14-10-2015 09:53 PM
Karen you have definatly made the right purchase, WOW, i so wish i could visit, i would never leave , you would be stuck with me for a long time, have i told you how lucky you are?
Thankyou, Thank you so much My angel & @CherryBomb, i am feeling a little better, i have really enjoyed tonight, it has been a great distraction for me, i was so distressed, still down.
Karen, my angel you have such a calming effect on me, i don't know why, but i feel calm just talking to you. Thank you
14-10-2015 09:54 PM
14-10-2015 09:54 PM
14-10-2015 09:57 PM
14-10-2015 09:57 PM
O M G Karen, Wow, i am speachless, i just looked up photos of the track you mentioned, WOW, i wish i lived somewhere like that, i would be so happy, it is such a beautiful area, you are so lucky, i wish i had a view like that.
14-10-2015 10:00 PM
14-10-2015 10:00 PM
Wow it has a rich history too, the town i live in was founded by my great grandfather. which is weird because mum and i and my uncle are the last 2 left in this town of the family
14-10-2015 10:03 PM
14-10-2015 10:03 PM
I hope your breathing is better j and that the shakes have eased off a little.
Most of my property is grass and a few big manner gums. The house is ranch style, timber with return verandah . It has a tin roof and huge deck. Three bedrooms two bathrooms and one living room. Out the Windows I can see mountains quite close, Mt Juliet, and Mt Donna buang,
And Mt toolbewong make up the valley.
It's a special place to be.
14-10-2015 10:05 PM - edited 14-10-2015 10:07 PM
14-10-2015 10:05 PM - edited 14-10-2015 10:07 PM
That track runs directly past my house, so now you've seen where I live.
And so does the Don river
14-10-2015 10:14 PM
14-10-2015 10:14 PM
The breathing is better but the shakes are still bad, i hope i am not keeping you up Karen, you need your rest, Well my home is a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house, no verandah, but we have a big patio behind my shed.
I wish i could find a photo which does not show my area as a desert, it is so dry, it always has been.
You have such a nice area Karen, uit rminds me of where i lived in QLD when i was young.
Thank you for sharing KAren, i hope you do not get into trouble from the moderators.
14-10-2015 10:16 PM
14-10-2015 10:16 PM
I want to thank you Jacques you have untold strength going from despair and overwhelm to helping me post my first picture here.
You have really helped me tonight j.
14-10-2015 10:17 PM
14-10-2015 10:17 PM
Karen you are going to be so happy their, i know it, so beautiful, so peaceful, and mountain ranges too, you are so lucky, Karen.
I hope the girls like it too.
14-10-2015 10:21 PM
14-10-2015 10:21 PM
Everything is lush and green. The grass usually dies off towards the end of summer.
I'm glad you know a bit more about me j
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