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Re: Daily Check In Space

Hugs and much virtual support for you @Appleblossom  Trying my hardest to hold it all together and taking it moment by moment. My new Mantra which I repeat often to myself throughout the day is "Smile Breathe and Go Slowly". This is seeing me though. Trying also to let go of my suffering because I, as all of us are, so much more than that. Wishing for you peace of mind, calm and contentment 🙏❤️

Re: Daily Check In Space

Thank you both @Krishna @greenpea  These are my practices also. I went to my guerilla garden and kept going for 5 km.  Someone yelled out ho ho ho.  I find the half smile helpful, as it allows for my natural shyness.  I had 3 hours with my support wky and he was beautiful as usual.  We sorted out a few things online, moved on my gloasses issue and went for a walk talking about the difficult things and finding a way for me to be self protective.  Yes I have to remain calm and not panic and upset things with my son.  It will take a lot of mindfulness, walking and your ready support means a lot to me.  Thanks again.

Re: Daily Check In Space

@Appleblossom  Apple anytime you need me I am here. We are sort of in the same boat. xxx

Re: Daily Check In Space

Hi @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @greenpea @Krishna @Anastasia @Determined @outlander @MIFANTCARER @EssJay @Jaxta @Carlo @Tinker67 @LizzieLou @Nashagirl75 @Scoo @Tyrone @Live22 @Littlerob @Magneto @Ana1 @Hollsworth @Otter123 @Herewegoround @timtam00 @Deej 


The new year period can be really tough for many of us, I just wanted to check in on you all 💛

Here are the 3 questions for the check in for your reference: 

     1) How are you feeling? 

         You can use a scale of 1-10 (1= really bad , 10= really good), if you would like to.

     2) What is one thing you have struggled with, and one thing you have done well?

     3) What is one nice thing you can do for yourself today?



cloudcore ☁️

Re: Daily Check In Space

Hi cloudcore,
You're definitely right, the holiday season can be tough. Today I am feeling about a 4 or 5. I have been struggling with juggling my needs with my sister's (we're still working on boundaries so they often seem in conflict). But despite all the difficult conversations and her reactions and outbursts I am getting better at staying calm myself and helping her become grounded again.
Not sure what my nice thing for myself today is yet... perhaps I'll start reading again.
Wishing everyone a calm day.

Re: Daily Check In Space


Feeling about 6 - 8 today. It varies.

Waiting to hear about  how I went inna job interview.

Mildly concerned how my Darling will go with me returning to full time work.

Aaaand if for some reason we return to home schooling (while officially discounted, getting some vague hints in media releases) at the same time I return to work 🤯

Fretting over pro and con of covid vac for youngest children. 

A.lot.on my mind. And not alone in that I'm sure. 


Re: Daily Check In Space


1-10 is insufficient when dealing with strong feelings ....which mix up anger distress and agitation ... so probably a 1 ... but that implies depressed ... 


Had been writing memoir feeling good, but then accidentally almost cut off finger.  Still calm went to physio, then upset, because she was in isolation and reception staff made BS excuse about not being able to call me to cancel.


I took prn cos upset.  First prn in over a month. so that is good.


Talked and let off steam a bit .... rather than go into the really deep and distressing stuff.  Which is it was my job to bring self harming people to hospital with plenty blood flow ... 


Had to speak my truth about my distress that my confused over educated daughter has too much power and has not done the deep feeling work and helps pushing through bad laws effecting the country.  Vaccines for little kids and plandemic ... and unnecessary isolation for physio and lack of professionalism or delivery of effective services in other fields by "the health system".


So its like I am acting out stuff from my little brother from 40 years ago.


Re: Daily Check In Space

Hugs @greenpea  @timtam00@Determined@Appleblossom ❤️

Hello @cloudcore 

today I am feeling a 5 

we have cut back on our jobs  even further now  --- feels strange and good finishing earlier in the afternoon now 

still not sure weather to rebuild or not 

so confusing sometimes 

mr shaz does not seems his best this week 

my mum is more frail 

ohhh my 4 step children , love them and sad to hear what is happening in their lives xoxo


Re: Daily Check In Space

Thanks for the check-in @cloudcore 


1) I'm feeling a 6.

Strange times but some rays of hope.  After waiting many months, my partner wants to try again.  I am cautious, as we have been through this cycle before.  She gets better and wants to try.
How do I ensure she doesn't lapse back? 


2) I have struggled with guilt and uncertainty.  Guilt because I often feel I triggered the BPD episode and uncertainty as I feel I need to just wait until time has passed and we can move on.

The one thing I have done well is take care of myself and be kind to me.  In the past I was tough on myself for not watching the signals.


3) The one nice thing I can (will) do for myself today is relax and enjoy the sunshine.


Hope everyone is seeing some rays of joy for 2022.

Re: Daily Check In Space

Had another topsy day with triggers all over the place plus was knocked by a car but managed to stay on my feet.  Was with support worker.  Started crying as people were being nice and stoppped and wanted to know if I wanted to be driven home.  Kept on doing the guerilla garden withe support wkr.  I think she understands my need to keep going no matter what.  Eventually tears and snuffles stopped. We had a long walk and enjoyed the blue skies and later she called a rest and we sat on lovely green grass under a tree..

@Shaz51 @cloudcore 

So Friday was brothers day.  Today was sisters day.  My way of remembering them.  So many absent friends.  Tmrw lloking forward.