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25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

Senior Contributor

News about me!

Hi everyone,


It's with mixed emotions that I let you all know that I will be moving on from the role of Community Manager.


It's been amazing watching the community grow from a small group of 80 in 2014 when we launched, to now over 11,000! It never ceases to amaze me how awesome this community is. It's a place where everyone is embraced and so much encouragement and thoughtful support.


It was a really hard decision for me to leave this role, as it's been a wonderful 4 (!!) years working with the community. However, you are in really great hands with @Former-Member, @Former-Member , the mods and the person taking my role (who will start in late August).


My last day is next Friday 20 July. I will be around for Friday Feast over in the Lived Experience Forum - so it would be great to see you there Heart


Re: News about me!

Man Sad

Hope it all goes well for you @NikNik you will be missed. 

Re: News about me!

Thank you for your kind response @Determined I will definitely miss being around here.

It's been so great to have your ongoing support and assistance in making this community the great place it is.



Not applicable

Re: News about me!

@NikNik I wish you all the best in your new endeavour.   


Your presence in the forums will be missed - you have given to so many.


Can I take this opportunity to offer a blessing that wisdom and guidance go beside you, that grace and truth follow and that you will have courage. 




PS Friday feast will not be the same without the giant nutella jar hovering ...

Re: News about me!

I wish you all the best in your new endeavour. @NikNik,and thank you for everything , It has been wonderful knowing you for the last  3 years  HeartHeartLove.jpg




Re: News about me!

No Giant flying Nutella jar anymore - oh no....

All the very best @NikNik Yes you will be missed, very much.


Re: News about me!

Thanks for all your help, @NikNik, especially in regards to technology.


Wishing you all the best for your future endeavours.



Re: News about me!

Best regards for your future @NikNik Woman Happy

You helped this service get off to a great start.


Re: News about me!

Thank you so much @Former-Member
I will absolutely miss being around this wonderful group of people. Thank you for your well wishes!
I hope to see you in Friday Feast this week!

Re: News about me!

Hi @Shaz51
You have made this role so enjoyable! You make people so valued and welcome - from @mentioning new people into discussions you think they will find helpful, to remembering people's birthdays.
Thank you for everything you have done!