10-05-2018 01:05 PM
10-05-2018 01:05 PM
10-05-2018 01:13 PM
10-05-2018 01:13 PM
10-05-2018 01:35 PM
10-05-2018 01:35 PM
I think it is a great time to broaden this discussion as the forum is growing. I raised the concept of netiquette when I first joined but it was before there was so much of a culture or cimmunity as there is now.
My main thoughts about this thread so far ...
1) Great topic.
I always read backwards in threads order to know who I am talking to and what had occurred.
2) I am with @Mazarita and @Sophia1 re rules and internally laughed at the idea of adding more banned words to the list. @Sophia1 you described some of the reasons and processes really well. ie Why strict rules might not actually promote civility and inclusion.
3) Personally my first social experience on the internet has been this forum. So I had to look up all the abbreviations and slang since I joined here mid 2015. I did not have much access to a laptop til then. At first my language was a bit formal and I was confronted about that on the forum (eg mocked for being too much of a teacher type), so I made an effort to catch up and get with current usage ... lol ... it was certainly not something I did without thinking ... it was work .... so gradually it slipped into my posts. I thought it might alienate less ... I was actually allergic to computers and the internet (due to long term domestic and psychological abuse) and finally making an attempt to overcome it. So funnily enough I was not really socialised into the caps means shouting thing.I had heard of it tho. At first I tried to be creative with bold or fonts or academic with my quotation marks, Sometimes my caps lock went on and it did not LOOK as intense from a purely visual pov as the bold or fonts, I started to included it into ... my expression ... to add INTENSITY ... as opposed to shouting. Shouting is often normalised at football matches and not seen as problematic. I am very wary of putting a lid on people who really need expression.
4) Diversity and uniquess have been bywords for me long before the internet or this forum was around ... I am wary of the concept of "universal rules". I am not as set against rules as perhaps Maz is, I almost have the opposite problem, my knee jerk reaction is to follow rules (orphanages will do that to you). Now I am older and better educated and have a lot of Lived Experience in many walks of life (not just mental health settings) I question more. It certainly was not my childhood or adolescent style. I did not have the luxury of that kind of cheekiness ... which is often normalised as cute.
5) I believe triggering is uniquely tied up with the individual. I am so often triggered by a huge range things and words due to extreme neglect and trauma. Also mood and level of how a person is travelling at the particular moment they are reading may have an effect on their level of triggering.
6) "Positive and negative" can be trigger words for me so I try to be very careful about using them. I am more sciencey than the average poster, and less mainstream than the average human. Trying to define positive and negative in terms of human behaviour is seriously questionable and should never be rigid or without full context. I prefer to use those words in maths and science personally, not psychology though I am aware of a whole school of psychological thought that uses a valency adjective.
7) The purpose of the forum IMHO is to give a voice to ALL those who are drawn to it with genuine need. I believe if we try and fix or define the culture too much it will be counterproductive. I have been more interested in reaching out to ouliers or those suffering more like @Sophia1's son, or my dad, or my brother and sister, than getting too cliquey, though I have also relished in some of the humour and camraderie present among members, even if I was not directly involved.
😎 Direct or vague criticism of the general forum can be interpreted in a host of ways, each to his or her own. I am not a fan of it as I have often felt manipulated by such comments. I've worked with the step away model, but also sometimes we need to step back in to do what we believe is right.
Over and out Apple
Who else ....
10-05-2018 01:46 PM
10-05-2018 01:46 PM
It's great you joined the conversation @Former-Member and I'm sorry to hear it's been a little upsetting. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you're actually a great communicator. Sounds like a good decision to step out for a bit as a way of looking after yourself for now. I'd invite you to return again when you feel ready, as your view is really important too.
There's a lot of rich discussion happening here.
I rekcon it's important to keep the 'spirit' of the conversation to be accepting, non-judgemental, and open. It's certainly not one of judging individual behaviour, moreso about creating a conversation about moving forward. I'm picking up on a few differences but overall, a whole lot of similarity.
In what's been said so far, it sounds as though everybody want a community that feels safe, welcoming, and inclusive to everyone. To some, that comes in the form of a shared language and approach to discussions - down to how we use certain threads or express ourselves in the written form. For others, that means acceptance of varied ways of interacting with threads our expressing ourselves at any given time.
I wonder whether there's a way for this shared idea of 'netiquette' to do both? Kind of like, adopting a shared set of values and accepting that everyone will move towards them in differing ways?
Also just want to highlight the importance of self care during these discussions. Tune in and out at a pace that feels right for you 🌻
10-05-2018 02:03 PM
10-05-2018 02:03 PM
10-05-2018 02:35 PM
10-05-2018 02:35 PM
I wanted to let you know that I understand your reaction...
Kirin it is paramount that you not let these comments affect you...
this is a discussion...opinions are being put forward...
no response on here is better than another...
How you feel needs to be acknowledged though...they are your genuine feelings and you are feeling hurt..
This should not be the case on this forum...
This is exactly what formalising....labelling....categorising does...
You have every right to be here...to speak up and state that you are upset...
Stay and step back if you want to catch your breath...address your emotions....monitor how you are feeling...
Do not please leave though as a result of comments of others...
Your response needs to alert them to the fact that this is an extremely sensitive subject that cannot be resolved by the opinions of a few...
10-05-2018 02:39 PM
10-05-2018 02:52 PM
10-05-2018 02:52 PM
To whom it May Concern
An old fashioned way of addressing a letter or reply to another.. often used as an introduction...a way of providing information...
Netiquette is obviously one of the latest buzz words used in the world of corporations....large organisations...business..
Personally I think that it is pretentious...it certainly does not fit with what I believe these forums were about..
I would like to remind everyone...every current and future forum member be it staff or forum user...cannot think of an appropriate term...that is fine...I am not sitting for an examination...I am providing feedback which is my right..Remind them why the Sane Forum came about...
The lady who started the idea of Sane is still a wonder to this world...She had so much compassion and empathy...She loved...laughed..struggled with her son's situation....She honestly and openly invited us all into such a private...fragile ...life...
we would not be here now if it were not for her empathy and foresight...
So I ask all of you before you write your opinions...ideas.....suggestions....do not just think about the running of the forums...the presentation....the rules...the guidelines that are already there...
do not lose sight of why we are here...with our tumultuous feelings ...experiences...reactions....trauma...pain...
do not lose sight of we are here to listen...to support...to allow someone to open up...
yes language should not be offensive.....that is common sense...if not already in the guidelines...why not?
as for capitals...it is seen by some as shouting screaming...might upset some people..
the person who wrote those capitals at the time was emphasising extreme pain....in a format that loses so much communication as yes it is virtual..
we all have to think of others not just ourselves...if something is triggering ...politely move away....use the supports that are in place on here...there are pages of stuff about this...
remember the compassion and empathy..the pain...
not the netiquette...that can be looked up under N if someone really wants to read about it..
probably will be banned now....so if you hear no more from me you will know why..
10-05-2018 03:03 PM
10-05-2018 03:03 PM
@Former-Member I echo excactly what @Sophia1 has written above. You have definitely not done anything wrong - this is a conversation we are having and everyone is going to have different views and opinions on the issues brought up. What makes this a strong community is that we are able to have these differeing views and opinions but still feel welcomed and supported here - that is paramunt for you now @Former-Member - that you know you are very much valued and you have all the support you need to help you navigate your feelings around this topic. Your contributions here are not only valued but should be applauded - to be able to openly state how this makes you feel actually shows a lot of strength. Self-care is needed when we are made to feel like this and if that means taking a litttle time away then that is what you have to do but I do hope it is a short-lived period and you will be back quickly.
10-05-2018 03:04 PM
10-05-2018 03:04 PM
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